SOA/Marvel [Gen Fic] pt. 1

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The Sons of Anarchy are in for a surprise when Jax's missing sister comes home.

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That's the surname that the Red Room stole from you.

When you were finally free from General Dreykov and could understand what you'd been made to do all these years, you'd taken the antidote used to free you from Dreykov's mind control and sent it to the only person who you knew could do something about the other Black Widows under his control.

You were constantly on the move, hoping to not be caught and taken back, and dug into your past. Then when you found out you were American, you found a trusted ally to make you a new identity and flew to the states. It took a lot of digging and sleuthing and hush money to find any living family members, and then even more sleuthing to find out everything you could on the Sons of Anarchy.

You only had one living relative, a brother, and he was the President to a motorcycle club that dealt with a lot of shady businesses. But as a Black Widow, you had no room to judge.

So, after coming up with a cover story, turning yourself in to the local police of where your brother resided, and then getting many tests and checkups done, Chief Wayne Unser was more than delighted to reunite you with Jax Teller.


The newly renamed Teller Automotive is in good spirits, the men of Sons of Anarchy earning an honest living now. It took over a year to get the club out of the hole Clay had run them into, and then another year to make sure all their earnings were on the up and up. They obviously had to fall back on unsavory habits when other MC's thought to fuck with them, but what the LEO's didn't know couldn't hurt them.

Currently, Jax and a few of his boys are relaxing with a beer before the garage closes down and the bar opens up for the night.

"Hey, uh, boss?" Half-Sack walks in, wiping the oil from his hands on a rag from his back pocket. "Unser just pulled up."

Jax huffs a laugh, glancing around his boys. "Which one of you shitheads did something?"

Tig glances between his brothers, sinking in his chair and chugging his beer instead of saying anything to incriminate himself. Happy shrugs, Chibs promises he's kept his nose clean, and Juice opens his mouth before snapping it shut and hiding behind the screen of his laptop once more. Opie chuckles at them all, shaking his head in amusement.

With no one owning up to any misdeeds, Jax looks back at Half-Sack. "Bring 'im in."

Sack leaves to go retrieve the club's old friend, bringing him back a minute later.

Chief Unser earned the respect of the club long ago, diverting the heat off the club when he was able to. There were many close calls and they stabbed each other in the back every now and then, but they respected one another. Especially now since Unser didn't have cause to blame the club for every problem in Charming.

"Chief!" Jax muses. "What brings you by on this fine day? Do 'ya want a beer?"

Wayne Unser nods at each Son, gripping a manila file folder in hand. "I'm good, Jax. Thanks though." The blonde president nods, waiting to hear what's going on. "Can we talk? In private."

"Whatever you got to say, Wayne, you can say in front of the boys."

Wayne would rather speak of this to Jax privately, but he knows there are no secrets between the Sons. He had wanted to give the siblings some time together before the female Teller was thrown into the deep end with the Sons, but what Jax wants, Jax gets. So, after heaving a small sigh, Wayne asks, "What do you remember about your sister's disappearance?"

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