Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]

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Steve Harrington once promised to never break your heart. Unfortunately, it's a promise he breaks. So, when you distance yourself from him, you're surprised that someone else quickly fills that void he left behind.

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When Steve Harrington had asked you out, you were thrilled.

You'd always thought that he was cute, even during his King Steve days, but you didn't think he'd go for someone like you. And you were proven right when he took interest in Nancy Wheeler.

But then their relationship took a turn for the worst, Nancy started dating Jonathan, and you took a job alongside Steve and Robin when Starcourt Mall opened up. The three of you bonded over Steve's terrible flirtation skills, and then bonded even more after being tortured by Russians. You and Robin were then let in on Hawkins' biggest secret, and your life was never the same ever again.

When Steve and Robin landed jobs at Family Video, you reluctantly took a job at Melvald's General Store. It wasn't long before, in a surprising turn of events, Steve had asked you out when you went to visit him and Robin at work one day. Even Robin was surprised but admitted that she couldn't believe she never thought of you as a match for your mutual friend.

And then after your second date with Steve, she was happy to admit she wholeheartedly approved.

For months you and Steve were happy.

But then one day out of the blue, his smile didn't quite reach his eyes and his laugh sounded forced. You tried to write it off, hell even Robin told you that you were worried for nothing, and then the Upside Down started acting up again and made everyone who was left join forces once more.

This time, the monster was a little scarier. Especially since Eleven, whose powers had apparently left her, wasn't even in the state to lend a helping hand. So, you, Steve, Robin, Dustin and Max tried to come up with a plan to prove that Eddie Munson had no hand in Chrissy Cunningham's death.

Easier said than done.

When a second body was found, Steve drove all of you to the scene of the crime. Nancy Wheeler found all of you waiting after she'd given her statement and the drop of her shoulders clued everyone in that she was now on the same page as all of you.

You had nothing against Nancy, but it was hard to keep up a friendly facade when your boyfriend seemed more worried for Nancy's wellbeing over anyone else's. Dustin, Max, and Robin took immediate notice when he tried leaving with Nancy because apparently she couldn't look after herself, so Robin stepped up and left with her. And Steve? Steve wasn't too happy with that.

When Nancy and Robin came back with a lead, and everyone headed towards Creel House, you pulled away from Steve when he tried to hold your hand. Robin winced, Steve sighed, and you took the offered flashlight from Max when everyone decided to split up.

"What is going on with you?" You heard Dustin hiss from one of the rooms. "I thought you were smooth with the ladies. You're totally blowing it with YN."

"Can you shut up!" Steve had hissed back. "Nothing's going on."

"Tell that to the heart eyes you and Nancy keep flashing at each other. Not cool, Steve. Not cool."

You did your best to keep from looking at either Steve or Nancy, but it was hard when the three of you, plus Robin and Eddie ended up on Lover's Lake looking for a gate to the Upside Down. Steve volunteered to jump in, you and Nancy begged him not to, but he was unfortunately the only good swimmer. But when he stripped off his shirt and Nancy ogled him right in front of you, you knew without a doubt that there was a glaring expiration date on your relationship.

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