Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 2

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Billy Hargrove stands there smirking, blood red shirt unbuttoned to show off his toned chest and scars, a fang earring hanging from his right ear, and a leather jacket hanging from his shoulders. And then before you can rationalize your next move, your feet are carrying you towards the boy who you once had a love/hate friendship with, and you wrap your arms around him in a surprising hug.

Billy tenses before he hesitantly returns the hug. "So, I leave Hawkins and we're suddenly at the hugging stage, huh?"

"Shut up," you mumble, "and let me have this. You don't know what I've been through this past week."

"Yeah?" Billy pulls back, hands holding onto your biceps as he looks you up and down. "What the hell is going on in Hawkins now? And who came with you?" He glances up and over your head, looking around for more familiar faces.

"No one. I'm, uh, I'm alone. No one knows I'm here."

He glances back down at you, sees you chewing on your bottom lip, and swears. "Shit. That bad?"

"Worse, I think." Billy sharply inhales and you wince. "We need to talk."

Before Billy can retort, the revving of motorcycle engines part the crowd on the boardwalk. Many shout expletives at the four bikers pulling up close to you and Billy, and you frown when all their gazes land on you. One in particular makes your hackles rise, the platinum blonde leading the other three, but you swallow down the urge to pull a face or make a sound.

You take notice of the mullets, the earrings and matching styles. Then you glance back at Billy, arching an eyebrow at him. "Friends of yours?"

"Yeah. I think you'd like them."

"Really? Did I like you when I first met you?"

Billy huffs a laugh. "No, but look at us now!"

"Whatever." Your eyes roll as you address the platinum blonde now smirking at you. In fact, they're all smirking at you with the exception of the only brunette of the group who looks like he's trying to figure you out. "Sorry, boys, but I need to borrow Hargrove for an hour or so. We have a lot to catch up on."

"Only an hour? Pft!" The second blondie giggles, practically bouncing in his seat as the third curly-haired blonde hides his amusement behind his fist.

Your eyes narrow on the blonde, but Billy slides his arm around your shoulders. "YN, meet the boys. That's David, Paul, Marko and Dwayne," he says while pointing out each individual.

You nod at them and then look back up at Billy. "Seriously, can we go? It's important we talk about Hawkins."

"Hawkins, huh?" David drawls, garnering your attention. "That's the place with monsters and children with superpowers running around, right?"

You freeze as you stare at the blonde before whipping your attention back at Billy. You swat at his stomach. "Do secrets mean nothing to you?!"

"What?" He feigns innocence, laughing with his friends. "They're good with weird. Trust me. Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of them."

"Fine." You sigh. "But we still need somewhere private."

Billy smirks and then looks towards his friends, each of them slowly smiling. Billy and David stare at one another, having a silent conversation with each other, and then, "Cave it is."

As Paul and Marko get excited for this turn of events, Billy leads you to his own motorcycle. He tells you to climb on behind him, and after much grumbling you reluctantly do as you're told, seeing as riding with any of the others is totally out of the question.

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