Marvel&TheOriginals [Gen Fic]

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Imagine being on a mission with Peter when it goes awry. Your powers suddenly manifest all on their own when you find yourself in a life or death situation, whisking you away out of danger and dropping you into another universe.

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You had several regrets in your life, especially that of following Ultron, but had you not made that terrible decision then you wouldn't have met the Avengers. Or Peter. You grew very fond of Peter during training and there wasn't a day your sister let you live it down. Then again, she had feelings for a certain android and you had no problems reminding her of said feelings when she teased you for yours.

You and Wanda had trained with the Avengers for quite a while before they felt you both were ready for your first mission, though they tended to separate the two of you since your powers were very similar. She worked really well with Steve, Clint and Sam, and you worked really well with Tony, Natasha and Peter. Everything was going well for the two of you that it was only a matter of time before something happened- that something being a bomb.

Steve and Bucky had uncovered a human trafficking ring- a ring so big that they called in all available heroes. You had been designated to the parking garage, keeping guard of the women and young girls being loaded into SHIELD vans and driven to safety. So far you'd seen off seven different vans and incapacitated three gunmen.

The comm in your ear crackles to life and Bucky is warning everyone of the building going into self destruction mode. Several voices start talking over one another, but the one that you catch is your sister frantically telling you to get out.

"M'fine, Wands. Just have one more van to see off and then I'm out."

You see the last van out, glancing around for any stragglers when gunfire erupts. Immediately you throw your arms out, a purple energy shield forming in front of you that the bullets bounce off. Then concentrating on holding the shield with one hand, you use your other hand to flick purple energy at the gunmen. It wraps around them, squeezing their arms to their sides, and then squeezing even tighter until there are audible cracks. Oops.

You don't have enough time to comprehend what you've just done because an explosion sounds above you and the ceiling starts to cave in. Your hands go up as a purple dome shield envelops you and your heart pounds as pieces of the building start to surround you.

"YN? YN!?"

You grit your teeth, sweat immediately beading along your hairline as it takes nearly everything in you to hold the building from falling atop of you. You grunt, exhaustion quickly creeping in. Another explosion sounds and you bite back a sob, every bone in your body starting to ache. "I'm in- I'm still down here!"

Your vision fills with tears as your sister screams that she's on her way down there while others shout at her to remain where she is- that the structure of the collapsing building was too vulnerable to have her powers pulling it apart. There's a loud groaning noise before one of the concrete barriers starts to fall towards you, but just as you're about to close your eyes a familiar red and blue suit is there to stop it. Peter.

"I got you. I got you, YN."

Through his Spiderman mask, Peter is staring at you as he barely manages to hold up the concrete pillar.

"G-Go." You gasp. "I can't- I can't hold it anymore."

"No. Not without you." Your expression crumbles as you shake your head. "YN," he says. "It's okay. We're going to- we can still get out of-"

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