The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 1

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In need of proper shelter and food, the group starts looking for places to scavenge. When they pinpoint a spot on the map that they've yet to search, Negan warns them against it.

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After the war with the Whisperers, a majority of the food was destroyed and the security of Alexandria was compromised. The group did their best to patch up the weak spots in their walls and scavenge for food, but it wasn't enough to make them feel comfortable again. And after a couple of weeks of non stop patrolling and scavenging, the group gets together to overlook a map for possible locations to search through.

Maggie, Carol, Daryl, and Father Gabriel sit around a table as they look over a map as Negan stands against the side wall while popping pecans into his mouth. Normally he wouldn't be a part of such meetings, but today they needed his knowledge of the surrounding towns.

"What about this place?" Maggie asks, gesturing to a spot on the map.

Daryl leans forward and shakes his head. "N'aw. Camped out around that place for months. S'empty."

She sighs as she circles the location, then scribbles it out. "Have any of you been anywhere else on the map that we can go ahead and scribble out now?"

Carol takes the marker, taking a moment to look over the map before scribbling out two other places.

Father Gabriel frowns. "We're going to have to travel further out than normal, but we don't exactly have the fuel for the trips."

"Well what's this place circled in red?" Maggie asks. "What's the deal with this place?"

Daryl shrugs as he glances between everyone else who has no idea either. "Dunno. S'been circled for a while. Figured one of you did it."

Upon hearing something circled in red, Negan speaks up. "Nope. That's a no-fly zone, amigos. Do not pass go. Not unless you got yourself a death wish."

Everyone stares at Negan, both unimpressed with his cheerfulness and surprised to realize there's a place that he fears stepping foot in.

"Is there food there? Resources to help us rebuild?" Father Gabriel asks.

"Probably." He shrugs. "But that place is off limits less you want another fight on your hands."

"Why?" Maggie demands.

Negan smirks, chuckling softly at knowing something they have no clue about. "Why? Because the Red Witch lives there. That's why."

"The Red Witch?" Carol frowns.

"Mhm. One badass lil' lady who took out about twenty of my men with just a flick of her wrist. There was some type of red mist, hence the name Red Witch."

Darcy scoffs. "How high were 'ya?"

"Stone cold sober."

Maggie rolls her eyes. "If there's resources we can use, we're going. It's one woman against a team of us."

Negan shrugs. "It's your funeral."

"Don't look so calm, Negan. You're coming with us."


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