SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1

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After years of not being in contact with your sister, you seek her out and hope all can be forgiven. Of course, when things are going well, your past comes waltzing into Charming.

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Charming, California is.. not quite as charming as you had expected. It's a quaint little town and all, but it's not a place you pictured your sister living in. Yet here you are, being dropped off down the street from where the address you had found for your sister said she resided.

Hoisting the strap of your duffel bag higher onto your shoulder, you take off down the street. Her house is easily found- single story, painted off-white with blue shutters and green bushes lining the front windows. There's a single car and a motorcycle in the driveway, and you allow yourself a moment to cheer on your sister for hooking up with a biker. All the research you did on Tara led you down the rabbit hole that consisted of a MC called the Sons of Anarchy, and well.. you were impressed. You knew your sister had a bit of grit about her, but you didn't think she had that much to associate with people like the Sons. But oh well. You weren't here to judge.

As you walk up to the front door, you hesitate briefly before knocking. It's been years since you've last seen Tara- the last time being when you were still a teen- and you have no idea what this reunion is going to be like. You hoped for the best, but you knew there was a chance she'd be truly pissed at you for falling off the face of the Earth.

Taking a deep breath, you allow your knuckles to rap against the wooden door and then take a couple of steps back. Seconds slowly tick by before the door is being pulled open and you swallow at the sight of Jax Teller. Oh yeah, his mugshot did him no justice. Your sister was one lucky bitch. "Can I help you?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at you.

"I, uh, yeah. I hope," you say as you obviously look him up and down. He grins at your stammering. And possibly at your ogling. "I'm looking for Tara."

His grin falters. "What's your business with Tara?"

You exhale softly and meet his gaze. "I'm her sister."


You snort and then immediately wince at your reaction. Jax is not impressed. "I am. Ask her. I've just been kind of.. off grid."

You're trying to make yourself appear as non-threatening as possible and you feel you must have hit the nail on the head because he leans back into the house and calls out, "Tara?", over his shoulder.

When he stares back at you, you cross your arms over your chest and glance down, scuffing the toe of your shoe on the porch.

"Yeah, babe?" You glance back up at her voice, biting the inside of your cheek in worry when you lay eyes on her in the flesh. Her gaze darts from her husband to you, giving you a double take as she stumbles to a halt. "YN?"

You smile uneasily as Jax glances between the two of you. "Hiya, sis."

She stumbles forward, catching herself on her husband's arm. "I thought you were dead. No one could-"

"I'm sorry," you blurt. "I never meant to-" Your voice cracks and you pause, shaking your head as if that would clear away your emotions as you glance at your feet once more. You take a beat and then swallow down the lump in your throat. "I just- I needed to see you," you say while looking up once more. "To let you know that I was alive."

"Y-You're leaving?"

"If you w-want me to. I'm sure you're pissed-"

"No!" You blink in surprise at Tara as she stumbles out of the house, onto the porch and reaches for you. Her hands cradle your face and you hate that your eyes sting at the kind gesture. "Are you kidding? You're alive. You're here. I want to know everything."

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