Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]

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Charlie returns to the Burrow for a short vacation only to find a new family has moved in just across the field from the Burrow.

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  When Charlie was instructed to take some time off of work, he was annoyed but also a little grateful. He absolutely loved his job on the Dragon Reserve, but as of late he'd been missing his family a little more than usual. The higher-ups noticed his lack of energy and told him to take a break so as to not let his guard down and risk getting hurt while on the job.

The portkey he applied for has the destination set for the field just behind his childhood home, and when he lands with a grunt, he's left staring at a cluster of homes rather than the Burrow.

Brow furrowing, Charlie glances around to make sure he's actually in the right place. And when he turns around, he lets loose a little exhale of relief at the fact that he'd just been turned around. Then hiking the strap of his knapsack a little higher on his right shoulder, Charlie sets off towards the Burrow.

There's smoke billowing from the chimney and he can see his mother bustling about the kitchen through the window. He allows himself to smile, knocking on the back door before letting himself in. And when he sets sight on his mother, he chuckles at her gaping expression before her eyes sparkle and her liveliness immediately returns.


"Hi, mum."

"What are you doing home?" She rushes to him, arms wrapping tightly around him before stepping back, keeping her hands on his arms to look him up and down. "Did something happen? Are you hurt?" Her happiness morphs into concern and he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead.

"M'fine, mum. Was just missing home."

Molly freezes, shocked to hear that her free-spirited son misses home. Her eyes get a little teary, but she's quick to put a lid on her emotions. "We've missed you too. Now come, come. Come sit and I'll make you a plate. You're looking a little thin."

Charlie laughs off her comment, dropping his knapsack atop the end of the table and taking a seat towards the middle. He sighs as he settles in, watching his mother load up a plate of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy. "Did you get some new neighbors across the field?"

"Oh, yes! All the way from America, they are. Big and lovely and I can't wait for you to meet them." She takes the plate by hand, levitating a basket of rolls behind her. As she sets it down, she turns around to grab a pitcher of pumpkin juice and an extra glass. "We're actually having dinner outside tomorrow with them. Will you still be around?"

"Of course. I took two weeks off from work."


Charlie sags in his seat as he digs into his food, watching his mum as she works around the kitchen. She even walks behind him, running her fingers through his newly cut hair and tugging on the strands that still have a bit of length to them. Thankfully, she doesn't say a word about it.

During his meal, his dad and Percy get home from the Ministry.

Out of all his siblings, Percy and his wife Penelope are the only ones who reside in the Burrow with Molly and Arthur. Everyone else has moved out with their significant other and/or with each other as in the twins' case. But his mum must have alerted everyone else because soon enough, Bill and Fleur are coming in with their daughter, followed by Fred and George. Ginny and Harry show up, and then Ron and Hermione appear last.

Charlie fills them in about the going on's of the Dragon Reserve and how he recently got to handle a few baby dragons. He admits to feeling drained which is why he's on vacation and when he can't think of much else to say, he asks about the neighbors.

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