Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]

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Imagine coming home for Thanksgiving break and letting your family know you're moving back home. Life in Beacon Hills ends up being a rollercoaster, but what a fun ride it is.

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Waking up only after a few hours from when you've finally fallen asleep is not your most favorite thing to do, but given that you never really caught the name of your bed partner you're grateful to have woken up. You don't have a problem with one night stands, but for a moment after you woke up your shyness always seeped back in after the deed had been done. Especially if your partner was attractive as hell and way out of your league.

So after collecting your clothes from around the random motel room, you hurriedly get dressed in hopes of escaping before the handsome stranger wakes up. However, as you're reaching for the door handle, you spot his phone sitting there on a small table. You glance at it, then glance at your bed partner, and decide to be bold one last time.

Picking up the phone, you quietly scoff when you realize it's not password protected. You enter your phone number into his contacts, wondering if he'll ever see it, and then open up his Notes app to leave behind a message- Tonight was fun. If I'm ever passing through again I wouldn't mind a repeat performance. Goodbye for now. YN.

Nose wrinkling at the note, you lock his phone without closing out the app so the next time he opens his phone the note is the first thing he'll see. Leaving behind a message and hoping to bump into someone again is quite ballsy for you, so you quickly make your escape before you have second thoughts and erase all traces of you being there.

Safely outside the room then, you stumble over to your vehicle and already have plans in mind to find the nearest early morning café so you can get your caffeine fix and a drink for your mother before she leaves for her shift at the hospital. After all, you were only a couple miles outside of Beacon Hills when you had stopped to blow off some steam at a bar and had met your latest fling.

By the time you're pulling up to your childhood home, your mother is exiting the front door. She walks halfway towards the driveway and a beaming smile breaks out when she sees you exiting your own car. And with two cups of coffee in hand, you shut the door with your hip and start towards her. "Hey, mom."

"YN!" Melissa McCall says. "I didn't know you were coming in today." You hand her the full cup of coffee before kissing her cheek and hugging her. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I wanted to surprise you and Scott. And speaking of, where is the little miscreant?"

"Oh well Dr. Deaton had an emergency at the Vet Clinic so Scott went in to help." Melissa frowns. "He'll be back later, but if you need someone here I can call in-"

"No," you immediately cut her off. "I'm okay, mom. Really. You go to work and I'll just- I'll head in to shower and then catch some Z's before Scotty comes home."

"Okay." She smiles at you. "We've kept your room nice and tidy so you should be fine."

"Are you kidding me? The mattress is probably stiff," you tell her, grinning. "I'm totally crashing in your bed."

Melissa chuckles. "If you say so. I'll see you after work and hopefully Scott will see you sooner."

"Mhm. Bye, mom." You kiss her cheek one last time, watching her get in her vehicle and take off for work.

Once your mother's vehicle is out of sight, you finish off the last of your coffee and head towards the trashcan by the curb to toss the empty cup. With your hands free, you open up the back door to your car and reach for your duffel bag of clean clothes. Then after the bag's strap is draped across your body, you grab the two trash bags filled with dirty clothes so you can start your laundry as soon as possible.

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