Marvel [Matt Murdock]

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The Snap is a terrible, terrible thing, but for you it's a blessing. Your abusive boyfriend vanishes along with half the world and you try your best to start over in the new world. But then everyone comes back, including the man whose apartment you now live in.

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When Thanos eliminated half the world with just a snap of his fingers, you were probably one of the only humans alive who was grateful for it. While mostly everyone was going about their lives, you had been cowering in a corner and protecting yourself from shards of glass as your boyfriend threw objects at you in one of his temper tantrums.

No one had known what was going on when people suddenly turned to dust before everything quickly went to shit, and it wasn't until almost a week after that the remaining Avengers put out a statement about what had happened.

You hadn't been on your own for a little over three years, so it took you a while to get back on your own two feet. Prices for anything and everything went up, and you were just grateful that hospitals everywhere were in desperate need of nurses. Finding a new place to live, however, proved difficult but you lucked out a few months after the Snap when the perfect apartment went up on the market. It was an open floor-plan with brick walls in a fairly secure building, and the only reason it was so cheap was because of an enormous billboard two blocks away that poured too much light into the apartment at night. The apartment itself was lovely and the billboard issue was easily handled by blackout curtains.

For the next five years, you took your life back and really settled into your new life.

So of course, it all goes shit on your day off as you're lounging around your apartment in nothing but a shirt and panties. One moment you're catching up on one of your favorite supernatural shows, fantasizing about one of the lead vampires, and the next there's dust materializing between you and the TV. Your mouth drops open as a man now stands there, head turning from side to side as he tries to get his bearings.

"Who's there? Who's in my apartment?"

Your heart thumps wildly as you quickly scramble off the couch. "Y-Your apartment? This is my apartment!"

The man keeps glancing around, eyes unfocused as his hand reaches up to tug his tie loose. You walk until the couch now resides between the two of you, your heart plummeting as you hear vehicles screeching just outside your window and people shouting and screaming. His head snaps towards the window, looking but not seeing. He's.. he's blind. He must be.

"What's happening?" He asks.

It takes a moment for everything to click in your brain and your heart falls into your stomach. "You're coming back. You're all coming back," you murmur.

"Excuse me? What do you mean by coming back?"

You gulp. "Sir, this might be hard to believe, but you've been gone for five years. You and half of Earth's population have."

"No. No," he says. "That's impossible. I was here, I had a dizzy spell, and then there was this stranger in my apartment. You were here in my apartment."

"I am really sorry." You wince. "But I am telling you the truth. There was this alien named Thanos. Earth's mightiest heroes fought him in space and fought him here on Earth. We- we lost. And in losing, half of Earth's population just turned to dust and vanished with no warning whatsoever. We thought you all died."

He calms down some after your explanation, but he still seems confused as hell. "M-My friends! Foggy Nelson and Karen Page. Do you know if-"

"I'm sorry. I don't know them." He immediately starts patting down his pants' pockets, frowning when he doesn't find what he's looking for. "I, uh, I have a phone you can use if you want."

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