SoA [Opie Winston]

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Imagine coming home to Charming after years in New York and you have to tell your family what you do for a living.

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Growing up with the Sons of Anarchy as your family, it was no wonder you grew up a tomboy. Your mother did everything in her power to get you into dresses and skirts, but when that failed she tried for anything form fitting. Your stepdad and brother were grateful you stood strong, and the only form fitting clothing you wore was a tank top beneath a large flannel that rarely came off.

Dating was a no-no, especially with your brother and his best friend just a couple grades above you, but it wasn't like you were interested in anyone at school anyway. Having bikers as family and friends skewed your taste in the opposite sex, but considering you were SAMCRO royalty, no one close to your age would ever look in your direction. All except Opie.

Opie Winston was the one boy who looked past your tomboy exterior, brushing off all the teasing from your brother and his future brothers when he would spend a little too much time with you, teaching you how to fix up cars. But all good things eventually came to an end when Jax and Opie dropped out of high school so they could finally prospect for the club. You stayed in school, drawing into yourself, and doing the best you could so you could get into a decent college.

The relationship between you and Opie practically became nonexistent, which you knew would happen but had hoped it wouldn't, and your mom was the only one who saw how it had hurt you. She tried to cheer you up by telling you that boys would come and go, but you shrugged her off and threw yourself into your studies.

So after applying for many grants and scholarships and using the money you had in a trust fund that your father had started since before you were born, you applied to colleges all over the US in hopes of landing a school with a decent nursing program. After all, the club could use all the help since they were constantly coming back to the clubhouse injured, and sooner or later Chibs' medical expertise would not be enough.

When you had gotten your acceptance letter to NYU, the Teller-Morrow household erupted into complete chaos. For the most part, your mother and Clay kept their cool, and it was Jax who blew up and told you you weren't going anywhere. You and Jax had never devolved into a screaming match, but that night you did. And then Gemma had jumped onto the bandwagon, threatening to disown you if you stepped foot outside of the state, but surprisingly it was Clay who calmed everyone down. He wanted to listen to your plans and after everyone had calmed down, you explained it to them.

Your mother and Jax weren't happy, but when Clay's mind was made up there was no changing it. He tried to figure out if there were other schools closer that could give you the education you needed, but you pleaded with him that you needed out of reach from the club. You had nothing against the Sons of Anarchy, hell you loved them all, but you needed to grow and do your own thing without them interfering. And after many promises to come home for the holidays and to return to Charming after you've earned your degree, Clay gave you his blessing to go.

Your mother and Clay threw you a big going away party that you spent outside on the picnic table once the croweaters started making their rounds. You had been excited to finally be able to get out of town, especially when Opie started seeing someone who wasn't club affiliated. According to Jax it was serious and the last thing you wanted to see was your crush happy with someone else.

Over the next few years, you kept your promise and made it home for the holidays. Each and every time your mother picked you up for the airport, she was always annoyed that you hadn't come back made over and sporting something fashionable. And the times you couldn't make it home, they reluctantly understood.

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