SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2

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After giving yourself a moment to recover and gather your thoughts, you lift your head and school your expression before turning to face Fury. "I'll do it, but on one condition."

"Name it."

"I do this, and anything and everything you dug up about those associated with the Sons of Anarchy vanishes. Anything pops up in the future, I expect you to catch it and scrub it."

The Sons all look at you in surprise and Steve looks ready to object, but Fury nods. "Done." He steps forward, holding out a hand and the two of you shake on it.

Tony smirks. "I'll get on it as soon as we save the world. Again."

"Thanks, Tones."

Bruce steps forward then. "So are we doing this here or.."

You look to Jax, shrugging. "Your call. Do you want us to leave?"

"Nah." He tucks his gun into the back waistband of his jeans. "You're part of this family. We need to know everything."

"Okay." You look back to Bruce and gesture for him to follow you. Rubbing your palms together and then rubbing them along the material of your jeans, you smile shakily at your friend. "Alright. Let's get this over with."

Bruce smiles sadly as he produces a small case from his coat pocket, opening it up and producing a syringe with a substance that's practically glowing. "For what it's worth, I am sorry. I didn't want to bring you back into the fold, but-"

"You need all the heavy hitters. I paid attention."

"Okay. Lift your shirt, please. We'll inject it in the belly."

Without wasting another second, you lift your shirt so your belly is exposed. Bruce is methodical as he swabs the area with an alcohol pad he had in the little case and then after warning you of the impending injection, he injects the eerie blue substance that is meant to reverse the effects of your suppression pills.

You let your shirt fall with a sigh and you turn to face the room at large. Tara walks up to your side. "So how long until the injection-"

Your sudden groan cuts her off as you curl in on yourself, one arm banding across your stomach as unbearable pain takes hold. The Sons all tense, taking a step back when they see the Avengers prepare for worst case scenario. Captain America readies his shield, Black Widow has her hands resting on the glocks strapped to her thighs, and Iron Man releases a gauntlet to form over his arm in preparation for a fight. But what really has the bikers suddenly nervous is the Scarlet Witch as her hands glow a soft red.

You stumble back until your back hits a wall, hands on your knees as you breathe through the pain and burning taking hold of your body.

"YN?" Tara cautiously calls out.

"Mrs. Teller, it would be in your best interest to back off." Fury's voice ignites your rage all over again and after a moment of reining in all your anger and annoyance, you stand tall and pin Director Fury with a steely glare. Your expression is eerily calm and devoid of any emotion. Eyes all around widen as your fiery orange irises stay glued to the Director, veins pulsing orange beneath your skin. "Agent Knowles-"

You raise a hand, fingers slightly curled as if choking someone. Fury grunts as he's lifted into the air, toes barely touching the floor as he flies toward you, only to abruptly stop two feet in front of you. "Threaten my family again and I'll take your other eye, Director. Do I make myself clear?"

He struggles for air. "Crystal."

You let Fury drop back to his feet, eyes darting from person to person. The Sons have no idea what to do with you, but the Avengers are slowly relaxing their stances.

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