Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]

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You decide to get high for the first time, much to Steve, Robin and Eddie's amusement.

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  All throughout elementary, middle and high school, you had been content to fly under the radar and do what needed to be done in order to graduate school. You'd done well up until you decided to get a summer job when Starcourt Mall opened up, scooping ice cream alongside Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley.

Everything was fine and dandy, but then a secret Russian base was found underneath the mall and all hell broke loose.

You had trouble comprehending everything you learned about Hawkins Lab, a girl named El, and a dimension they called the Upside Down. Being drugged and beaten also didn't help things at all, but those who were in on the secret did their best to help you cope.

Steve and Robin ended up getting new jobs, both being hired at Hawkins Family Video, but you ended up becoming somewhat of a recluse and barely left the house. And when you did leave the house, it was because Steve and Robin picked you up to drag you somewhere.

Your parents were surprised when Steve and Robin showed up on your first day of senior year, the ex-king of Hawkins High unintentionally becoming your and Robin's chauffeur. Robin made sure to check in with you during school hours, even making Dustin and Mike check in with you when she couldn't. Lucas was there every once in a while, but his main priority was Max who was surprisingly not taking Billy's death too well.

So, for a while, everything was good.

It was fine.

But then Thanksgiving break came up and your parents had plans to travel to your grandparent's place that was a couple hours away. While that didn't bother you much, they then had every intention of staying your entire break up there. One day you could handle, but the entire week? Nope. Out of the question.

So, after a little convincing, you got your parents to agree to let you stay behind.

A few days before, they even went out and bought you everything you'd need to make your own Thanksgiving meal, and then a bit more groceries to last you until they came home.

Your first night alone led you to having little to no sleep since you jumped at every little sound your house made, so you ended up visiting Robin at work to ask her to stay with you during break. Steve overheard and invited himself, and you found out firsthand how the two absolutely had no sense of boundaries as they piled into your bed to sleep.

Luckily for you, you loved your space in bed, so there was more than enough room on your king-sized mattress for all three of you.

On the day of Thanksgiving, all three of you sleep in. And then when you do wake up, Steve immediately puts on a football game while Robin heats up a couple cans of Spaghetti O's so you're not too full for dinner.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Robin says as you're washing up the slight mess in the kitchen. "I invited someone from school to have dinner with us."

"What? We were allowed to invite people?" Steve wonders as he joins the two of you in the kitchen. "Why wasn't I aware?"

"Because we don't want to watch you suck face with Heidi," Robin tells him. "And I invited Eddie Munson," she then tells you.

You freeze just as Steve huffs. "Eddie Munson? What'd you invite him for?"

"You didn't see him at the store yesterday, Steve! Him and his doe eyes, and he just looked so glum about choosing what frozen meal to buy. Frozen meals are disgusting!"

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