Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 4

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If the pack didn't know something was up when finding Paul fast asleep at the edge of the bed you were sleeping in, then they definitely knew the first time they all shifted and they saw the conversation Emily had with Sam, and then Sam with Paul. The boys all tiptoed around you, speaking quietly when you were in the room, but it was Leah who attempted to treat you the same as to not annoy you.

And for that you were grateful because you and Paul felt guilty enough over the incident, so it was a breath of fresh air for Leah to be her usual bitchy self.

It was a pain to explain to your parents how you got the bruise on your face, and an even bigger pain to explain why you didn't press charges, but eventually everyone got over it. Paul, however, seemed to wanna stick close.

With Paul no longer fighting the bond, it seemed like you can breathe a little easier. That odd little ache in your chest disappeared and he no longer snapped at his pack brothers. And just when you and Paul find peace with one another, Jacob decides to go off the rails.

With the apparent love of his life marrying a bloodsucker, Jacob can't handle it. He tries to rile up the pack, mentioning that Bella was going to be turned as soon as she married the leech and that it was their duty to attack the leeches before it came to that. So, when the pack became uneasy with the possibility of the Cullens breaking the treaty, you put your nose into their business.

"I just don't understand why you can't leave that family be. They're not harming anyone."

All around you, the pack goes quiet. Jacob breaks that silence by scoffing. "You're joking, right? They're going to kill Bella!"

You shrug. "Not against her will."

"Are you serious right now? You're supposed to be on our side!"

"I am! But you need to see if from their side as well," you tell him. You soften your voice as you deliver your next words. "She's his mate, Jacob. Whether you want to believe it or not, she is. And just like the shifters, the vampires have rules they must follow. As a human mate, Bella only has so many years before Edward has to turn her or the Volturi will swoop in and kill her. Permanently."

"That's why she shouldn't have gotten involved with him in the first place."

Sighing, you shake your head at him. "Keeping them apart is like keeping Sam and Emily apart. Or me and Paul. It's not fair to the Cullen family to condemn them all to death just because you're in love with a woman who doesn't love you back."

Jacob stands, pushing his chair with such force that it topples over. Sam shouts after him as he disappears out the back door and you sit back in your seat, crossing your arms over your chest.

"That was a little harsh," Quil says.

"Oh whatever. It's the truth," Leah says. The pack looks at her in surprise and she rolls her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I hate the bloodsuckers as much as anyone else, but the Cullens? They're different. And if Bella really is the leech's mate, then who are we to tell them he can't turn her? It's cruel to keep mated pairs apart, and I figured at least Sam and Paul would understand that."

Leah takes her leave from the table then, a lot calmer than Jacob previously had, and everyone stares at Sam.

The alpha sighs, rubbing a hand down the length of his face. "I need to speak with the Elders. We need to make a few amendments to the treaty if we want to keep peace with the Cullens."

Sam takes his leave as well, but not before pressing a kiss to Emily's forehead, and then all eyes turn to you.

"What?" You feign innocence.

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