Sons of Anarchy [Gen Fic]

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Finally reunited with your sister, you tried to keep the reality of what you went through a secret. Of course, it was only a matter of time before you had to tell her.

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One minute you're fighting alongside your fellow Widows, intent on taking out ex-Widow Romanoff, and the next you are being blown backwards off your feet by a small explosive. Small red orbs dance in front of your face, disappearing into your mouth and nostrils as it clears away a haze that had been pulled over your mind long ago.

You sit up alongside your sisters, glancing around in confusion and fear as agents Romanoff and Belova explain that you're free- that General Dreykov had controlled all of you, but that he no longer had that power over you. They tell you the base is going to explode and to evacuate immediately. Then after everything has settled, agents Belova and Vostokoff take you and the other Widows in, giving you a place to stay and time to collect yourselves before going off on your own or whatever it was you decided to do. You stayed for nearly a year, trying to piece together everything you knew about your past life and whether or not it was worth going back to.

It was.

At least going back for your sister it was when you did a little digging. She married a member of some motorcycle club whose members were a bunch of criminals, taking care of his two kids and slowly drowning in debt. So after trying to remember anything you could about Lyla and your parents, you packed up what little belongings you had and returned to the states for the first time since you were eight.

Lyla Winston no longer worked in the porn industry and instead chose to bartend at a bar that only served bikers and their friends. Teller-Morrow Automotive was a front for the Sons of Anarchy and whatever they chose to do that kept the money coming in, and connected to the automotive garage was the clubhouse where all members hung out and partied.

Hesitantly walking into the parking lot, you're aware of the gazes following you. You don't want to step on any toes by just entering their building, so instead you head over to a grouping of picnic tables where a couple individuals are having a smoke break- one with a mohawk shaved close to his head and tattoos on either side of the strip of hair, and the other wearing a beanie despite the warm weather as he strokes his full beard. Opie Winston. Your apparent brother-in-law.

"Hi." You're anything but a shy, sheepish woman, but you have to put up a front. At least for now until you can explain your past. "Um, do you guys know if Lyla Winston is here? I was told I could find her here."

The man in the beanie, Opie, tenses and you gulp, shoving your hands into the pockets of your shorts as you try to make yourself as small as possible under his stare. "She is. Who are you?"

"YN. I'm, uh, I'm her little sister."


You wince at his tone and your eyes widen as he stands up from the table. The man was tall. Lyla definitely had good taste. "I-I am! Promise. C-Can you just go get her? She might not believe you if you tell her who's asking for her, so tell her I was the one who broke mom's glass cabinet but that she took the blame so I wouldn't get the belt."

Opie continues to stare you down, but eventually he sees something in you that makes him believe you might be telling the truth. He looks down at his friend and gestures to the garage. "Go tell her. See what her reaction is." His companion nods and hurriedly gets up, jogging towards the building. You exhale, shoulders sagging just a bit. "I'm gonna ask you again, who are you? And don't lie to me."

"I-I'm not. I'm YN. Lyla's younger sister by only a year."

He crosses thick arms over his chest as his eyes narrow. "Why hasn't she mentioned you before?"

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