Marvel [Peter Parker]

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Growing up, you and Peter Parker were inseparable. Still are, in fact, so he's the only person who knows your secret. But being friends with Avengers, said secret was bound to be aired out.

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You have known Peter Parker ever since his aunt brought him home with her after the tragic deaths of his parents. He was quiet, but you were outgoing and stubborn enough to continuously walk across the hall and see if he wanted to play. He was kind and smart, and you were somewhat brash. But in the end, you and Peter became the best of friends.

More often than not your parents would find you in May's apartment, building Legos with Peter or scarfing down pizza rolls and watching movies. Your mom and his aunt would joke about planning your wedding while your dad playfully threatened Peter to never break your heart or he'd break all his Lego sculptures. At the time, the two of you were grossed out by the insinuation of dating.

But then puberty hit and your eyes were opened.

Peter was- well, he was cute! Especially when he would blush and stammer when you would sit a little too close to him or he found you napping in his bed. Your mother and May helped you realize what Peter was going through, and it took you a little longer to realize that you had liked him back. But you and Peter didn't exactly know how to take that next step with each other, so the two of you settled for just knowing that either of you didn't want anyone else. You just wanted each other and Lord help anyone else who tried to interfere with what you had going on.

And then Peter got bit by a spider and he became Spiderman.

Girls started to finally notice Peter much to Ned's delight, but one look from you sent them on their way. You were invited to parties left and right by boys who wanted to get to know you more, but Peter was always your plus one and he smiled every time someone looked crestfallen that you weren't alone. Everything was great and as normal as it could get with Peter's night time gig, and then you were in a wreck. You survived, fortunately, but the other driver didn't. And while that was enough to absolutely devastate you, it wasn't nearly as bad as the family secret that came to light the next full moon.

Your parents did their best to coach you through your transformations since they had never triggered their own curses, but it wasn't enough. It was absolutely painful to have your bones break over and over and over again, and it wasn't long until Peter realized something was up. Your parents wanted you to keep it a secret, so you did, but after months of lying to Peter you finally caved. After all, he told you about being Spiderman. It was only fair to tell him you were a werewolf.

Peter thought you were joking up until your parents let him witness your transformation. You apologized in advance for what he was about to see and fell to your knees with an agonized shout. Your parents had to keep him from rushing to your side and when it was finally over you were sad to see that he had cried. Your parents had never approached you after you turned because they were always told the wolf would be wild, so you surprised everyone when you walked up to Peter and nosed around his face until he hid his face in your fur and hugged you.

For years you kept Peter's secret and he kept yours, even after he became a part-time Avenger and made friends with those he went on missions with. Then when Peter started spending more and more time at the compound, he started to drag you along so you could still spend time with each other. The Avengers were apprehensive of a civilian in their personal space, but they were quick to realize that they had nothing to worry about with you.

But being friends with Avengers was bound to bite you on the ass sooner or later, so you're not surprised that everything goes dark one night when you're walking home from the store.

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