It was clear he thought they were bluffing. However they managed to even find Ahmad was beyond him even but it didn't mean everything he had worked so hard for had been destroyed yet.

"Ahmad?" Dean called out. He didn't even look at him. Just kept picking at his fingers. But no one in the room missed how the former president stiffened at the mention of his name.

"Be a darling and tell Bennet how this will play out." His voice wasn't hard but there was a chill to it that was probably what made Ahmad instantly clear his throat.

"I'll testify if it goes to court. That you coerced me and accepted forged evidence. Then Yasmine will be made to give a statement too in line with mine. You'll probably be fired from your job or get arrested. Unless you drop the charges and allow us on our merry way."

It sounded like Dean had given him lines to a play he had to read. Especially if he ended by saying merry way.

Bennet's face was hard. They had him backed up against the way.

"You'd rather go to jail?" Bennet directed his question to Ahmad.

The only reason he wasn't in jail was because of him. And he had already decided to succumb to whatever was being held against him now.
But Ahmad didn't have anything he cared about more than normal.
Which meant he was being driven by fear.

Ahmad didn't reply his question.

"Enough of this. This is what will happen. If you want to keep your job you love so much, you'll release Zaira now. We have a recording of Yasmine admitting she was the main mastermind and Zaira was just a puppet to her ways. You can show that to your superiors. Apologize for wasting their time and at least get to keep your job. Worst case scenario, a week's suspension." Tawfiq put out the facts

"And if I refuse."

"We drag you and your amazing job to hell." Tawfiq shrugged like it was an obvious answer.

"What do you gain from this, Ahmed?" Bennet bit into his cheeks.

"He gains protection from you. We even pinky promised." Dean grinned.

"He's a wanted man...

"Whom you'll leave alone."


"Because I say so." Dean arched a brow.

"There are a lot of bad people on Earth, Bennet. You'll find the right one that will send you to the top. It just won't be Zaira. But if you insist on going ahead with this you'll lose your job and maybe get arrested."

"I would ensure you get arrested." Karim spoke this time. "Accept the damn deal." Karim bit out.

"You're not leaving me with any options." Bennet knew when to pick his battles. And now wasn't one of them.

He should have taken care of Ahmad from the very beginning and not just continue supplying him with money.
If that fact was made known he'd definitely lose his job and go to jail for mishandling money and accepting false evidence.

But Ahmad clearly wasn't going to live in a house of roses after this. If the way the hitman kept speaking to him was anything to go by.

Bennet released a breath. He had to let go of this one.

"You send me Yasmine's confession before the day ends." Bennet said.

Karim nodded.
"We will."

"Fine. I'll release your little girlfriend."

"Wife." Karim gritted.

"Wife." Bennet corrected.

"Now wasn't that simple." Dean stood up from the chair. "Can we leave now? This place gives me the shivers." He was already heading for the door when Ahmad spoke.

"What about me? Can I go?"

"Sure. Bennet won't be a problem. Will you?" Dean questioned.

Bennet narrowed his gaze but nodded nonetheless.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." He began to scurry towards the door.
Tawfiq watched him clutch his briefcase tightly to himself.

"Oh one more thing." Ahmad instantly froze in place.
"How fast can you run?" Dean questioned.

"Dean. We don't play with food." Tawfiq had a dark look on. If he could he would have gone after him himself. Rules and morals. He hated it.

"But Dad!" Dean whined.

"Fine. Just this once." Tawfiq stared straight at Ahmad. "Don't break him."

"I won't." Dean grinned sinisterly before moving right in front of a fear stricken Ahmad.

"Run. As fast as you can. I'll give you a head start."

Tears began to fill Ahmad's eyes and Karim could swear he was holding himself back from peeing himself.
His uncle was a cold man and he never wanted to be at the other end of his anger.

"Go." Dean urged.

Ahmad literally ran out of the room as heads turned towards him. It wasn't everyday you saw a former president in tears and running for his life.

"When can we leave?" Karim asked Bennet.

"I'll get some paperworks first...

"I'll go see Zaira then. Or I can't?" Karim knew the answer to that. He just wanted to see what Bennet would say.

"She's a free woman now. Be my guest. I'll get them to open the door."

Karim nodded at his dad and uncle before stepping out of the room and moving towards the room Zaira was being held in.

Everything was finally falling into place. He didn't even know how to process everything at the moment. All he knew was that he wanted Zaira in his arms so he could breathe again. Because it felt like he hadn't taken a breath in years.

Let's goooo

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