𝘚𝘪𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳

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A/N: Hi loves, so I got a request to write about DOD, and I have been planning on writing this for awhile now, however this is going to be a two part story. The first one is going to be while they are looking for Lucy, and the second will be the aftermath. Also I do have to warn you, it has been awhile since I've seen this episode, so if I do mess up any details feel free to correct me. Now because you're reading this I assume you have seen the episode, however I do want to issue a trigger warning anyway because there are sensitive topics mentioned. But anyway I hope you enjoy. And as always feel free to leave a request!

The interaction replayed in Tim's head so many times, just trying to figure out how he missed it. Lucy could die, because he told her to go out with a serial killer, and slowly he felt like he was losing his mind. How could this have happened? He was standing within a foot of the guy, but he didn't expect anything. And Tim pushed her, he pushed her to go out with him, which may have been his own attempts to make him stop feeling these confusing feelings towards his rookie, and in his attempts this man drugged, and kidnapped Lucy, and was doing god knows what, and it was his fault. He was responsible for her life being at stake.


Tim came into the station every day as normal, but a part of him knew something was in fact not normal, he could feel it in his bones that something was wrong. Lucy wasn't at the station even though it was 2 minutes until role call, she wasn't even in the parking lot. So the logical part of Tim tried to tell himself everything was okay. Lucy had went to a bar, she likely was hungover, so 2 minutes before role call her tried to find Gray who was alarmed about something, which only confirmed something was indeed wrong, but he was told nothing, but to go sit down and wait, only to hear the worst news possible. Gray sighed before speaking. "This is going to be bad news for all of us. But I need you all to keep calm and do your jobs.." He said, and Tim's heart dropped as he just silently prayed it wasn't what he thought it was. "Officer Chen's car was found last night, we believe that Celeb is working with Rosalind, and he kidnapped officer Chen." Gray said, and everyone in the room shared horrific looks.

Despite Tim praying that his suspicions that something was seriously wrong, was wrong it in face wasn't. Tim felt his head spinning, where was she? What had he done to her, was she alive? He remembered the body they found, and how she was buried alive, and this man had Lucy. He had his rookie, and it was all his thought. Part of her didn't feel right about it, he pushed her towards  him, and now she could die. No he wouldn't allow that, he would do whatever it took to find her, and he wasn't wasting any time listening to the steps they were taking to find her, he simply stood up, and walked out of role call, and called Angela. "Hey, Lucy's been taken. I need you." He said, before running Celeb's name through the database, to find that a Celeb Wright didn't exist until a few months prior, of course a serial killer changed his name, but  that didn't mean he couldn't track him down. He grabbed his gun, and  badge, before attempting to walk out of the station, until he was stopped by Gray.  "Bradford, you are not going rouge and hunting this guy down. I know she's your rookie, but you're too close to this. Take West and go check out the bar. Lopaz will go speak to Rosalind. We'll fine her."  Gray said, but Tim knew how this worked. They had limited time, and he just prayed it wouldn't be too late..

Lucy had felt off about Celeb since she met him, but she had figured that had something to do with the feelings that were forming towards her TO, she had never expected this, but then again does anyone? She awoke in a strange location, feeling off. Her head was spinning, and vision was blurry, at first she had no memory of what had happened, until she noticed her wrists, and ankles were tied to a chair. If she weren't a cop she probably would have began panicking right then and there, and then she remembered that poor woman who Celeb also buried alive, who screamed herself to death, so she told herself to keep calm as she looked around. "Okay, you're in a house, you're above ground." She whispered to herself, as she looked around. The room was empty, it wasn't a basement because the windows where still there, despite being covered with sheets the sunlight shined through it, sunlight was good. The room appeared to be an empty living room. She was just about to force the chair over when the door, opened and he walked in. Celeb had a grin on his face, like every psychopath he was more then proud of what he'd done.

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