⪼ Feeling Of Love ⪻

Start from the beginning

"However, I will be revealing something I have never told anyone before excluding my best friend" At that the guy in the crowd silently chuckled, Jungkook looked at him and winked before continuing

"And I have enough humanity to mention that one person who helps earn this fame and love from you guys" Upon those words being left Jungkook's mouth, everyone anticipated what he could possibly be telling. Who is that one person?

"Min Suga... world's known pianist Min Suga is the main reason for my fame" No one, no one anticipated him to say Min Suga. Everyone looked at each other in shock unable to believe what they heard. Maybe they were more shocked because lately, it has been on the news that Jungkook was the one who saved Min Suga from the flaming fire he was burning in and took him to the hospital, he stayed there for 3 days. Jungkook internally sighs knowing damn well what they all were concluding in their minds.

"Ever since Min Suga came into view, I have been listening to his music, they inspire me a lot and I feel a profound connection with his music. The rumors about me having something going on with Min Suga are completely false, it was by coincidence that the person I saved with Min Suga. I didn't even know it was him until I met his manager and he told me." At the last statement, everyone was confused.

He was a huge fan of Min Suga and yet didn't even know how he looked.

"Yeah, I get it you guys might be confused, it's just... it's weird saying it but I love mysteries and me not willing yet dying to see Min Suga is the same... I mean like how can I explain" Jungkook was sure that he looked like a crazy drunk man in front of everyone's eyes. Jungkook feeling ridiculous about himself chuckles and sighs before closing his eyes.

"You guys know 'First Love'? My most popular piece... through that painting I portrayed Min Suga, I know I never revealed it before but I am exposing it today, when I first listened to Min Suga's piano piece he called 'First Love', I painted how I imagined him to be... its fun... not knowing the identity of someone and fantasizing them based on your imagination... it seems like I no longer can fantasize him" Jungkook sighed in the end, feeling sad and disappointed. Everyone stayed silent. 

"But anyways, I hope you love the new pieces I created... you guys can enjoy looking at them now, and also thank you for wasting your time listening to me just spout shit" Jungkook said causing everyone to laugh, with a bow he walks down the stage. That's when that same familiar figure he earlier saw in the crowd approached him. 

"What's up, man?" He said as Jungkook smiled widely before side-hugging him. 

"I am great, what about you?" Jungkook asked as the guy smiled and shrugged.

"Good as ever," He said as Jungkook smiled softly before walking along with the guy who was not interested in looking at his paintings. Of course, he wasn't, he had already seen them before they were displayed here in the exhibition.

"But hey, what's up with that gay love story of yours for that pianist? That was gay as fuck" Hearing him say this, Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I am gay Taehyung" 

"Oops, I forgot" Taehyung chuckled in his deep voice before he turns to look at the paintings once again and sighs. 

"Fuck... I wish I could be as good of a painter as you..." He said as Jungkook just smiled and walked along with him. 

"And I wish I could have that beautiful farm like yours" Taehyung rolls his eyes at that and punches Jungkook's shoulder lightly.

"You know how tiring it gets sometimes, at least it's not the same case for you with the paintings" 

"Oh please, lemme remind you, my brother, I can only paint when Min Suga is live with his new piece of music, otherwise, I can't paint shit," Jungkook told as Taehyung just looks at him confused.

"I don't get it, bro, how can you not paint without Min Suga's music?! Like YOU'RE A DAMN PAINTER!" Taehyung questions, by now they have walked up to the stairs of the hall he was having an exhibition and now they were standing on a balcony.  Jungkook just shrugged and sighs. 

"I don't know bro... maybe because he gives me the motivation I lack?" Jungkook mumbles and looks at the beautiful view, Taehyung joins him and stands beside him before shrugging.

"Who knows... but that man he is depressed as fuck bro like you can't even get into a relationship with him, he would be dead before that," Taehyung said and then his eyes widened before he slapped his hand over his mouth like he finally understood something.

"It was a suicide attempt! Wasn't it?!" Taehyung asked referring to the accident Jungkook saved Yoongi from. Jungkook sighs and rubs his temples before slowly nodding. Having his confirmation, Taehyung shakes his head lightly and leans against the balcony with his back against it, he folds his hands and looks at him.

"Kook... do you love him that much?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung and gulped before looking back at the scenery before him, his hands were resting on the balcony but his head felt heavy so he dropped it down and bites his bottom lip. Taehyung grabs his hand and makes him look at him. Taehyung's deep brown eyes looked at Jungkook with admiration, his lips held a small comforting smile as he silently encouraged Jungkook to answer. 

"AnswKook, do you really love him so much that you are ready to risk your life for him? Are you ready to risk it all for a suicide maniac??" Jungkook furrows his brows at the 'suicide maniac' that Taehyung used for Yoongi but he slowly nods.

"You don't get it Taehyung, I feel a deep connection with a man I don't even know, a man who doesn't even properly know me other than the fact that I just saved his life, the life he was tired of living in, I don't get it Taehyung! Why does he hate this life so much?? What makes it so much worse for him?? What is bothering him?? Why does he hate himself so much?! I want to know everything about him! I want to learn everything about him!! Everything I possibly can Taehyung! I just-" Jungkook suddenly chokes on his tears as Taehyung's eyes soften before he pulled Jungkook into a hug. Jungkook cries softly against his shoulder before letting out those words from his mouth.

"I just love him so much Taehyung" 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now