Tae hold Jin's hand a little more tighter while Jimin had a blatant disgust on his face and he refused to look towards them and kept looking at his glass with his head lowered..

Yoongi was calm.. he didn't show any expression.. as if whatever is happening here doesn't concern him.. but still you can see .. he was not smiling anymore..

Hobi was sweating in this cool weather but overall he was still managing to hold good . While Jin had a look of shock... His mouth wide open.. forgetting his charismatic appearance..

Namjoon just looked ahead without any compassion... His jaw clenched... his gaze which usually hold warmth of thousand comfort hugs was as cold as ice...

And Jungkook who was standing earlier as they toasted was now leisurely sitting in the main seat .. his legs crossed, his eyes dark.. his tongue poking his cheek from inside .. he didn't look like he was mad or anything.. but when his subordinates saw his face.. they knew it's the look boss carries when he is planning to end someone.

After all three were tied up in a chairs infront of them.. not that they really needed it.. seeing their half dead condition..  Jungkook got up and walked towards them..still holding his glass... "Let me introduce you all"

"This one here is Taylor" Jungkook pulled hairs of one white male.. "i found him as illegal immigrant living life worse than hell.. so i helped him get his passport, gave him money and send him to work for me.. all he has to do was keep eye on Dr. John for 12 hours a day... I now remember i even send your girlfriend to the same city and even helped her get a job" Jungkook added.

He walked to next guy.. this was a black male "This one is Rob.. he is a orphan who got into a accident but since he was not from south korea the other guy tried to put all blame on him.. i found his case interesting.. so i rescued him.. later he worked for me 6 months.. so i asked him to keep an eye on Dr. John for me.. he also have to do that 12 hours.. every night"

Jungkook walked to the third person.. "i know you have all already recognised him... Yes, he is Namjoon's personal bodyguard i appointed..  Seojoon.. well Seongjun brought him to me.. saying he is a great fighter and is in need to find work.. and that we can trust him.. i ran background checks.. he was clean . So we took him in... It's almost 2 years since you started working for me right?" Jungkook asked as if he is having casual chat.

"I wonder why you all betrayed me?" Jungkook looked at all three of them... His tone very calm and casual.

Seongjun who was standing beside these three also had dark expression.. especially knowing that he was the one who brought Seojoon in their Circle... He felt responsible.. although Mr. Big didn't blame him.. and even said that it was his fault to not be more thorough... He still can't feel at ease.

"You know that i would ruin your lives if i ever found out.. and obviously i will find out..  so why?" Jungkook voice drop to a whisper but was still audible in the room...

Obviously Jungkook didn't need them to answer.. he already knew it.. they have confessed earlier to his men.. obviously he wasn't going to bring his boys here if he didn't have answers.. it was just rhetorical questions.. the thirty minutes he was gone was him being told what they confessed and him having intense but short meeting with heads of all teams for the plans moving forward..

"Why Mr. Seojoon.. you have guarded me for 3-4 months now.. why now?" Namjoon asked.. his voice carried a little hurt.. Seojoon was older than him and would always smile and greet him happily whenever he will drop Namjoon to and fro from college..  he never expected to be betrayed by him.

"Let me tell you all what happened... Seojoon here has always been working for Dr. john. He joined me because Dr. John said him so.. We were all still part of his experiment.. it was just the phase 2 of it..."

We are Different & Weird| BTS AU | OT7 |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin