Chapter 22

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Shawn Mendes @ShawnMendes: Missing her more and more everyday❤️
Gosh why does he have to be like that when I am trying to be mad at him.
I am still upset about what he did last night. He left me to hang out with Camila! We barely get to talk as it is. It really hurts. At least before I went to bed last night I was able to pack the rest of my room. We packed all of Matts Anna's and my stuff in the moving trucks, and hired people to drive the trucks to California. They left last night, so we are living out of the suitcases we are taking on the plane. All Matt and I have left in our rooms are our beds and dresser, so when we visit we have at least a bed. We leave tomorrow then we will be in California in a new house with all the boys again. I feel like I am going to be so busy in the next month. Gosh I have to move to California tomorrow, then I have two weeks to finish a music video. After that I have to fly back home for Graduation and Prom. Hopefully soon after graduation I can see Shawn. I am really missing that boy right now.. Today I decided to dedicate my whole day to watching different meet and greet and Shawn performing on tour videos. Just because I miss them all like crazy.
Matt's POV
Maddie told me yesterday she wasn't planning on going to Prom. She should because that is one of the most important high school moments of a teenagers life. I ask Anna a couple days to go to prom with me and she said yes. I know I asked Anna as my date but I don't see her as a girl friend or anything. She is my really good friend, and I don't want to ruin that by asking her to be my girl friend. The point is Anna can't go to prom without her best friend, so I am going to tell Shawn about prom hoping he can take her, and if he can't I can fly out Nash or someone. I am going to call him now.
Shawn- Hello Matthew!
Matt- Hey so I have something to tell you. Or kinda ask I don't know.
Shawn- Is everything okay? Is something wrong with Madisyn?
Matt- Yeah everything is okay, and she is good.
Shawn- Okay continue.
Matt- As you know Maddie is graduating this year because she has all her credits. That means prom is here, and she doesn't want to go without you, so she is determined to stay home. I don't want her missing out on this big high school experience because her boyfriend is touring. You can ether some how go to prom with her, or tell me you can't so I can arrange Nash, Cam or someone like that to escort her.
Shawn- I understand, and if I would of known about this I would have been planning ahead. I just have to talk to Austin about it. I know I have a week off, and instead of visiting my parents I can visit Maddie.
Matt- Alright I will text you the info later.
Shawn- Okay I have to go perform but thank you Matt for telling me.
Matt- No problem. Good Luck!
Shawn- Thanks!
End of Call
That was a good call. Well I shall see what Mads is up to at this fine hour. I walked out of my room, and knocked on her white door.
"Come in!" She shouted
I walked in seeing she was laying on her bed playing on her phone.
"You want to go watch a movie down stairs?" I asked jumping on her bed.
She chuckled, "let's go! Wait! Only if we watch Mean Girls." She smirked.
"You know I don't care if we watch that movie. It is one of my favorite movies of all time! Because we only wear pink on Wednesday!" I squealed.
"You are such a nerd!" She laughed walking down stairs.
"I will pop the pop corn if you put the movie in." I shouted running into the kitchen grabbing the pop corn bags.
She agreed, and I made the pop corn. When I walked into the living room she was sitting on the couch covering up with a blanket. I squeezed in right next to her covering up my self with my blanket.
"How have you been lately Matt?" She asked sticking pop corn in her mouth.
I thought about the question. She must be meaning my depression and stuff like that.
"It has been better. I think with the load of Magcon off my shoulders I am more relaxed and less stressed. Thank you so much for talking me into leaving Magcon. I wouldn't have left if you didn't make me." I said hugging her.
"I love you Matthew and you know I will do anything to make you happy. You are the best big brother." She smiled cheekily.
We spent the rest of the night watching movies and talking about our busy life. I found out a couple days ago from my Manager is who is also Maddies manager Jamie that I am going to be a guest star in a episode of Criminal Minds as a brother to a killer. It's a crime show which I am looking forward to. After watching Mean girls and 22 Jump Street I started feeling tired. Maddie has her head on me, but I don't know if she is sleep.
"Mads?" I asked. "Mads?" No responds. I slipped out, and stood up. Slowly and gently I scooped her tiny weightless body up in my arms carrying her into her bedroom to her neat bed.
"Good Night Rae." I smiled kissing her forehead. I walked out closing her door slowly hearing the small creaking of the hinges. Right as I turned to go to bed the front door open.
"Matt? Madisyn?" Someone called downstairs. I knew it was my mom. I walked halfway down the stairs.
"Hi Mom I just took Maddie to bed, and I am about to go to bed too. Good night love you." I whispered.
"Good night love you too Matthew." She replied setting down her black bag on the counter. I went upstairs to my room falling into a deep sleep after laying down.

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