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Felix's POV

He took two steps back to watch my reaction but all I could do was feel lost and a hint of a smile.

-S-sorry, I d-don't...- I stammered, unable to formulate a single sentence.

-Shall we exchange the number?- he asked


10 minutes later we were lying on the sofa talking about this and that, until the keys were heard turning in the lock and the front door opened, while Hyunjin came back with full bags. He shifted his gaze to us, who had stopped to watch him, and then frowned

-What... Changbin?- He said, closed the door and put down the shopping bags and came in front of me as a sign of protection.

-Did you do something to him?- she asked him.

-Don't worry, I was waiting for you and in the meantime we chatted- he said, Hyunjin turned to me for a nod and I nodded, smiling.

-What did you want to tell me? Why did you come here?-

-Just a greeting, nothing special, and then I wanted to meet Felix in person- said Changbin.

-Good, now you can go- he said nervously.

-Okay okay, don't worry- Changbin answered, getting up from the sofa with Hyunjin's gaze burning on him.

-Bye Felix, Hyunjin- he said, walking out the door.

Silence ruled the air for a few seconds, and then Hyunjin moved on to the kitchen.

-Hyunjin, what's wrong with you?- I said eagerly, watching him as he headed to put away the groceries. He turned and glared at me

-What have you done with him? Huh?- He said in a terrifying voice. I joined him in the kitchen.

-N-nothing, we just talked- I said. He came dangerously close, and one step forward from him followed one from me backwards, until my back hit the refrigerator. He placed a hand on the metal surface behind me, near my neck. I swallowed hard.

-Felix, what did you do with Changbin?- He asked, and I noticed a spark of lust and a spark of danger in his eye. I blushed suddenly, he was less than 20 cm from my face and my lips; he placed a hand on my hip, and I pressed against the fridge, trying to get some air.

-I swear, we didn't do anything- I said, out of breath and holding my breath from his proximity. My heart began to beat like a fury, so much so that I was afraid he would hear it.

-Felix, please- he begged me, breaking into those few centimeters away and I felt his body molding to mine. I held my breath as he buried his head in the crook of my neck and gripped my waist with both hands. I stood motionless with my heart running a marathon, his scent inebriated my nostrils and I couldn't formulate a thought that made complete sense.

I felt his body shaking, he was crying...?

-Don't abandon me again, please- he cried, while I was silently squeezed between the refrigerator and his body.

-S-sorry- I stammered, as I slowly reciprocated his embrace, placing my hands gently on his back.

My skin burned and quivered where I felt his body fit like a perfect fit to mine, and maybe I needed it badly. I had missed his warmth most of all, more than the air I breathed.

With my hands still resting on his back I pushed him against me, basking in his body against mine and I resumed breathing, despite my heart pounding in his chest. I smiled, my heart and mind smiled, I smiled and smiled after a long time in which fake smiles had dominated the real ones.

Hyunjin wrapped his powerful arms around my waist completely and pushed me against him, skin to skin, heart to heart. He probably could have caused me internal bleeding with his strength, but it didn't matter as long as I was with him, trapped in a desperate embrace.

-I-I don't want to lose you a second time, stay here with me. 

-I'm begging you- he said, his voice breaking. He leaned over me, still in my embrace and I arched to fit his disproportionate height.

-I won't run away anymore- I said, without knowing exactly what he was referring to, while my heart bombarded my ears and, by now, I was sure that he had heard it beating for him, for his closeness and for the contact with him, with his skin and his body.

He left me a kiss on the base of my neck and one on the shoulder uncovered by the shirt and then he broke away the hug, looking at me with his red and irritated eyes and cheeks streaked with tears.

Instinctively I got on my toes to reach his face and wipe away the tears, smiling and feeling the same things I probably felt when he was the one comforting me when I was crying or having my panic attacks.

-Sorry- I said in a soft whisper.

Author Corner

Hi guys, how is going?? I'm updating next weekend <3<3


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