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Hyunjin's POV


My heart was pounding as my legs moved by themselves.

I ran into the house, my heart about to break through my ribcage. I reached the room, and I saw Felix lying on his stomach on the bed, immersed in a lake of blood, and next to him I.N. With a gun in hand. And he looked at Felix satisfied.

-What the hell did you do?!- I yelled with all the air in my lungs. I.n turned to me and smiled, happily ever after.

-You are only mine. No one can have you but me-

I looked at Felix, he had a hole just below his shoulder where the artery passed. Out of the corner of his eye I saw him move a bit, a sign that he was still alive and he turned his head towards me, smiling at me. I didn't reciprocate.

I turned to I.n and gave him one of my most sincere smiles. In a few seconds I tried to formulate a perfect plan for someone like him as soon as possible, I put it into action shortly after.

-I wanted to do it but you preceded me- I said to him, making him open his eyes in amazement.-You know too that I don't like bitches like him.- I approached slowly, while he lowered his guard. I felt Felix's gaze burn my skin. Sorry. I took another step towards I.n, at the side of the bed. I smiled at him, slipped my arms around his waist, pulling him close to me. Sorry Felix, sorry. I kissed him with all the passion I had, after a second his mouth opened and he relaxed, hooking my arms behind my neck.

I bit his lip, and then slid my tongue into his mouth, squeezing his waist. I moved my lips with passion and virility. I reached from his waist to the gun he had laid on the bed and took it noiselessly. I jerked away from him and shot him.

Straight to the stomach.

The shot rang in my ears but I remained impassive, watching him. He staggered away, hands shaking as he brought his fingers to the wound and moaned in pain. He looked me straight in the eyes and I said full of me:

-Your biggest flaw is not knowing how to recognize lies- he fell to the ground, creating rivers of blood that flowed from his skin.I rushed to Felix, heedless of Jeongin.

-Felix, are you okay?- I said

He moaned something, in a semi-trance state. My hands began to shake, he was in very bad shape. The wound continued to bleed, it was a hemorrhage. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and called the emergency room.

I crouched beside him and turned him around, trying not to hurt him, I took his face in my hands as I felt his heartbeat decelerate.

-Felix, please stay with me, help will arrive soon- I said, while the hot tears began to wet my face, slipping from my skin.He opened his eyes and gave a reassuring little smile.

-Thank you- he looked at me, a tear slid down his skin and a moment later he passed out. I picked him up as I shivered with excitement. He was in danger of dying. He was in danger of dying because I wasn't with him to protect him. He was in danger of dying because I wasn't with him to protect him and I didn't think enough to know beforehand that it was a trap. Conclusion: my fault. For the third time.

Help arrived and took Felix to the hospital.

Doctors found his artery was damaged.

They operated on it.

Felix is in a coma. 

My fault.

-The coma is deep, the chances that he wakes up are very low.- the doctors said. And the same words spoken are the ones that keep turning in my head, chained with the memory of his face.

Deep coma, low chance of awakening.

The doctors let me into his room and as soon as I crossed the threshold of the door I knelt by his bed, crying like I've never done before. My body was completely shaking with sobs, I didn't even try to calm down because they took away the only person I loved. They took it away from me and now I had to see her in a hospital bed without ever knowing if she would wake up.

I curled up into a fetal position, arms around my knees and burying my head between my legs. I cried, I cried a lot. More than I ever have. And I couldn't stop.

I stood up and took Felix's hand, trying to give him the warmth he couldn't produce. Tears began to fall again, wetting his smooth, soft skin.

-Sorry- I whispered. I had heard that people in a coma can hear and I hoped with all my heart that he could hear my apology. I could forgive myself for everything but the fact that I was almost killing Felix, maybe he would have suffered less if I hadn't met him.

I wanted to ask him, but a note of sadness invaded my thoughts. Maybe I never could. Maybe I couldn't have told him "I love you", I could never have kissed him and tasted his lips, I could never have given him a red rose. Maybe I never could seeing him smile again, and this thing cut my heart into a thousand pieces.

 After I learned to love again, the only person I loved was taken from me.What's the point of living without love?

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Hello lads. 

I know I know. Sorry, I didn't want to spoil this moment of reading for you :(

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