"I see. Then there's no reason for me to go easy on you." He reached out behind him. "Prepare for an autopsy."

Douma pulls out four golden war fan similar to the ones his other selves had wielded. These fans are sharpened to cut through bones easily. It gleams so brightly under the white light, but both Aki and Kanao aren't fazed by it.

"Like I've said before." Aki took out the blade she carries. "We've dealt with you before."

"And history will repeat again." Kanao finishes the sentence

"Haven't you heard the saying before? Lightning doesn't strike twice!"

Without warning he threw two of his fans in air slicing through lab equipment with ease. Kanao shot the bladed fans with her final bullet and it altered the trajectory just enough to miss her. Within split second Douma appears behind her but she had already prepared for this situation. A blade sprung out from her sleeves and she swings towards the male. He dodged the sharpened blade and retreat to a safe location, or so he thought.

"You fool!"

Aki pressed a button from her palm and it activates the devices on the floor from which she had planted earlier. Douma received a large jolt of electricity as his muscle tensed up unable to move. Kanao didn't waste any time and leaps in for the kill. Her blade reached the speed of sound as it was mere inches away from his neck. Then suddenly she hits an obstacle. A fan blade blocks her blade from reaching its destination. A determined look coming from the man had her quickly retreat as the said fan almost sliced her arm off.

"Tch! That was close." Aki said in disappointment

"This is getting nowhere." Douma is getting pissed off. "You're nothing like him."






"Where are we going Thunder?"

Meanwhile right outside of the facility, two men who had just arrived at the scene gears up. They both worn a black suit fit for a CEO and within it countless of weapons they could utilise, for both lethal and non lethal purpose.

"Didn't you hear them? They've found him and our job is to find him." Zenitsu quickly explains. "I've suspected this place as much judging from the evidence we've gathered."

"Bet there'll be a lot of guys down there." Inosuke is raring to go

"Oh there sure are. Considering how well hidden this place is."

Without further delay, Zenitsu went down the stairs that was once concealed by a patch of garden and Inosuke follows through. They expected to fight someone inside but to their surprise, they were already taken care of. Dozens suffered as they groan on the ground in pain. Evidently most had been defeated not ling ago.

Their steps echoes along the hallway as they descend further down. Like a dungeon where treasure lies far in the deepest hole. They took their steps and fought some already badly wounded men who still refuses to stay down. At last with little to no effort, they made it to the deepest level underground.

"Wait." Zenitsu halted his steps. "I hear two- no three. They're fighting. And two more heartbeat contained within liquid or something."

"What are we waiting for?" Inosuke is getting impatient

"We have the element if surprise. If those three are attacking each other, most likely one of them are the ones who defeated all of those scientists and guards." Zenitsu deduced. "We're the third party who are late to the game. Best if our existence are unknown to them and get him out."

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