Chapter 22: Calm him down.

Start from the beginning

But he knew he had to do something, he had to get Taehyung out of this state, it was too painful for Taehyung as well as for Jungkook, so he just did what came to his mind first.

He turned Taehyung towards himself by his arm. Taehyung growled again when someone disturbed him. But he couldn't even get time to react when he felt it.

Soft lips were on his own.

His eyes went wide when he recognised the taste of cotton candy and the face in front of him. He broke out of it when he felt a very hard grip on his nape and the lips on his own started moving.

Jungkook's both hands were holding Taehyung's nape tightly and kissing him with all his energy. He was kissing him desperately, with all of him. He was kissing him fulfilling all his desires to his heart.

The need to kiss Taehyung, the want to kiss Taehyung, the desire to have a taste of his phantom.

So he did what his heart wanted, he pushed his own tongue inside Taehyung's mouth and taste every corner of his cavern.

By now Taehyung's breathing was slowly getting normal, he breathed out and his lips started moving slowly when he felt Jungkook's tongue inside his mouth devouring him

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By now Taehyung's breathing was slowly getting normal, he breathed out and his lips started moving slowly when he felt Jungkook's tongue inside his mouth devouring him.

Taehyung eyes were open as he stared at Jungkook's closed ones but then suddenly by the corner of his eyes he saw the man being dragged out by his men.

The same man he was beating, the same man who had dared tried to force himself on his worker.

Suddenly he growled and tried to pull away from the heated kiss, in response Jungkook just held onto him even tightly. But Taehyung was using all his strength to get out of the hold now. He was pushing at Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook opened his eyes pulled back and then yelled at Taehyung's face,
"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" He roared and looked straight into Taehyung's eyes which were almost falling out of their sockets.

Taehyung was dumbfounded, surprised, overwhelmed right now. He wasn't the only one though, everybody in the club was about to pass out at the scene, did someone seriously just yell at their boss?

With that Jungkook leaned ahead and bit on Taehyung's bottom lip hardly making him hiss almost drawing out blood and then pulled back.

"You don't want to kiss me right? Fine go beat him all you want, don't come to me now." Jungkook said and turned around leaving.

Taehyung who had broken out of his rage finally realised what had happened, he again lost himself to the undying rage he has inside him.

"She's fine hyung." A voice made him look aside to see Daniel standing there with a hand on Taehyung's shoulder giving him a sympathetic look.

Taehyung understood what Daniel meant and nodded. He ran his hand in his hair and then looked at Hoseok and Jimin.

He looked behind them and around, but couldn't find the person he was looking for.

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