"Did he set himself on fire?!" Mama asked as she ran out of the dining hall. The hallways were now covered in smoke. "Mama!" Gilda cried. "Gilda! Go take everyone outside! And get the babies from my room!" She said. "Okay!"

Soon enough all the children ran outside the front door dressed in cardigans and their shoes.

Mama stood inside the dining hall next to Emma as she held a fire extinguisher. "If I can...I have to at least save his brain..just stay back Emma!" Mama said turning the fire extinguishers on though it only lasted a few minutes before it stopped running. "What?! The sprinklers aren't working! What happened?!" Mama yelled. "Emma! You need to get out here too or else you'll also..." Mama said turning around to see the girl standing next to her but she was missing. "Emma?" Mama took out her tracker and found her signal she ran towards it. "Emma?!" Mama called but no reply. The signal brought Mama to the sinks and a bucket on the floor. Mama knelt down and moved the bucket to reveal Emma's ear with blood covered on it." What were the children wearing on their feet?"She asked herself.

Emma ran towards the forest as fast as she could holding a piece of cotton wool and a bandage to her ear. "She's here!" Chris said. "You made it!" Dominic cheered. "Emma I was so scared about you!" Y/n said as her and Ray who was standing beside her held cotton wool in a bandage to their ears. Ray just stood there shocked. "Thanks for waiting you guys!" Emma said. "Okay time to go everyone! Let's run to the wall" Emma said. "Yeah!" They all cheered and followed Emma. Ray was so shocked he couldn't move. "Ray?" Y/n asked. "Norman...this is his dumb plan..."Ray said.

Mama ran to her secret room and took out her key. She went to put it in the key hole put it was full of clay. "Huh?!" She said.

The children sprinted down the forest to the wall. "Don! What's happening exactly? Do they all know about the escape?" Y/n asked as she held Rays hand running beside the Boy. "Yup" "How?" Ray asked. "Everyone found out from Emma. We started by telling four others. Nat, Anna, Lannion and Thoma. We let them all hear what sister Krone said" "From that far back?" Y/n asked. "It took us two months. But we managed to bring in the rest of the kids. Emma was only pretending to give up but the whole time she was actually giving instructions to everyone. Mama never even noticed" Don said. "You guys..." Ray trailed off.

Finally They reached the wall. Emma stared up at the tall grey cement. A figure of Norman appeared next to her. "Norman..." Emma said as she smiled. The other children caught up to Emma and stood behind her. "Nat and I will climb up first and then pull everyone up. We will help you guys once we are at the top" Emma said. "You guys hear that? Just like how we trained! And you'll be fine!" Don said. The children cheered and y/n smiled running up to Emma.

Mama stood outside the burning house she called home. Next to her lay the communication device she could contact headquarters with. She stared at the burning house. "It's burning. Everything is burning. But..." she stared down at Emma's ear in her hand and began to laugh. "Emma, Ray and y/n are still alive! My darlings! I won't let any of you escape, my adorable children!" Mama yelled.

Ray stood and watched everyone climb up the wall. "Is this...everyone?" He asked.

Eventually everyone was up and standing on the wall. "Hey are you okay?" Y/n asked putting a hand on his shoulder. "Where are the kids four and under?" Ray asked. "We are leaving them here" Emma said. Y/n gasped "Why?" She asked. "I thought about what Ray said to me before. It's too risky bringing them. Only Phil knows the truth. So I'm leaving it to Phil. I don't plan on ever giving up. I'll return within two years that's when I'll finally take Phil and the others, along with kids at the other plants" Emma said. All 16 Children ran across the wall as fast as they could.

Back at the house the small children were quite upset and Mama called headquarters. "This is 73584 from Plant three. 15 Children have escaped with the special product. Sound the alarm!"

Out of touch, out of time [RAY X READER]Where stories live. Discover now