Chapter 62. Her Father's Daughter

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"I have not said anything to him about what we think.  I told him the kid is Sahita's child.  Of course he doesn't believe it, but I guess he will once he sees her tonight.  I kinda think she is going to be the center of attraction, exactly what I didn't want." Linden continued.


Imogene and Tanya entered the powder room and sat down.  Imogene ensured that the lock was on the door before she spoke.  "Go ahead, talk to me Tanya.  I know you have questions." She said in her very unique accent which was a mixture  of African, Carribbean  and British. 

Imogene pulled a tissue and gave it to Tanya.  She wiped her eyes.  "I dont know what to say." She began. "He told me that Stephanie  was not his child, but that Mila was her mother ... he is lying.  How would Mila's child look like him and his mother if he is not her father? I don't get it."

"I can say that  nothing is as it seems, as it relates to Stephanie.  When we took  her in, we thought that she was Eric's child and so did he.  He didn't think his mother was, how should I put it?  a good candidate to raise her. He thought that  she would use the child vindictively to hurt you.  Despite how things appear, he seems to be always thinking of you and what might hurt you or make you happy.  We learn later that the child was not his."

"So you believe that  child out there, who looks exactly like Eric and his mother  is not Eric's?" 

"Yes I do believe that.  The test results don't lie Tanya.  I have no reason to think that they are wrong."

"Then why do you still have her? Why isn't she with Mila and whoever is her  real father and ? Wait ... Is Linden her real father?" A  light bulb went off in Tanya's  head.

"No my dear, Linden is NOT her biological father.  To be honest, I wonder if Mila is really her mother ... a beautiful little girl and Mila wants nothing to do with Stephanie.  Denny and I are now the only parents she knows... the only family she has because Eric too has washed his hands of her.  He almost seems afraid of the child."    

 Tanya paused in thought for a moment.  'What is it they are hiding from me? Something doesn't make sense here.'    "How weird is all of this? She looks exactly like that witch, but Eric is not her father?  I still dont get it." 

"You will when you talk to Eric, but for now take my word.  Eric is NOT  her biological  father.  I will leave that for him to explain further to you.  But for now dry your eyes and fix your makeup.  You  have a party to host.  Don't let Sahita or anyone like her steal your joy." 

'If not Eric, then who? Luke? ... and Mila? No can't be, not possible.' 

Imogene and Tanya were on their  way out  to meet the other guests when they heard a commotion in the hall.  They were just in time to see Meana pulling Ericka off of Stephanie. 

Imogene picked up the crying Steph from the floor... her pretty dress all torn   "What happened?" Imogene asked Meana.  "Where is your father?"

"I am not sure where Daddy went, well Steph started it."  

"What did you do?" Tanya asked Ericka.  

"She pushed me." Ericka told her mother.

Just then Eric and Linden walked into the room.  

 "Steph why did you hit her? You know the rules about hitting." Imogene scolded the crying child.

Steph pointed at Ericka.  "She hit me first." She cried.

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن