Eight Months

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Hestia's POV

I was feeding Amethyst breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Sally said she got it. I nodded and headed to the door I opened it to find Dionysus. "Hello, Dionysus what are you doing here?" I asked him. "Zeus ordered me to teach Astrid how to control the blessing he gave her." "Okay," I got Amethyst ready and handed her to Dionysus.

Dionysus's POV

Zeus Iris messaged me to order me to train Astrid to control her plant power or he'd raise the years on my punishment. I brought the Amethyst to Camp Halfblood. I held her hand. We slowly walked to the strawberry fields. All the other campers looked at Amethyst with curiosity, they never approached us. "Hello, Dionysus." "Hello, Chiron." Chiron was a centaur and the activities director in Camp Halfblood. From the waist up he looked like a middle aged man with thinning brown hair, bushy eyebrows, and brown eyes. He had a scruffy beard as well, and his lower half is a white stallion. "Taking care of Amethyst today?" Everyone on Olympus knows the child was Poseidon's kid and biologically his, it infuriates Zeus. "Yes, Zeus ordered me to teach her how to control the blessing she was given or else I'd be here longer." I told him. I had let go of her hand and Amethyst walked towards Chiron. I was going to take Amethyst to the stables after teaching her how to control their blessing.

"Aw, I thought you liked being here with me, Dionysus." Chiron pouted amused. I chuckled slightly. "Did Zeus or Hestia complain about it?" Chiron asked as we walked towards the strawberry fields. "No, but someday they might, I think it's better to teach them now than later." Chiron went to do his duties, Amethyst and I sat down in the middle of the field. I turned my coke can into a bowl, picked some strawberries, and gave it to Amethyst to keep them busy. "So, Amethyst , if you want to learn how to grow vines. You have to focus." They watched as I put my hands close to the ground, I focused as hard as I could and sprouted a large vine with large, juicy strawberries. "Now, you try." Amethyst shut her eyes tight and she sprouted a small vine with one strawberry on it. "It's a good start." I smiled and Amethyst smiled back. "Who is she?" A satyr had come up to me. "None of your business. Now go do what you're supposed to do." I picked up Amethyst and headed to the stables. "Want to see some horses, Amy?" Being a child of the Father of Horses, all the Pegasus's ran over to Amethyst. The campers were both annoyed and confused when they did that. Amethyst had fun with the horses. After an hour of exploring Camp Halfblood I take her back to Hestia.

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