I fell dramatically, holding her close as I fall. I hit the ground with a thud, letting out a fake groan. I close my eyes and feign unconsciousness. It only lasted a few minutes before she started to whine and paw at my face. I kept still though, and she started to whine louder. She scooted closer and started licking my face and I couldn't keep it together.

I burst out laughing and started petting her. She perked up instantly and started to lightly nibble on my hands, wrists, and my face. We were interupted by a meow however and we both looked over.

Geralt sat there looking a little left out and I extended my hand to him. He stalked over before coming and laying by my side. He kneaded my side and purred while Misty crawled off me and curled into my other side. We laid there for a bit, just basking in the morning sun. The late fall chill making it just the right temperature.

Our little peace didn't last long when Frost got impatient.

"Ugh, this is boring. I wanna play with them now."

"Fine, but only for a little while before we head back."

I remove myself from our little huddle and walk over to the tree line. Once I'm in the cover of the bushes I shift and let Frost take over.

Frost's Pov~

I shake myself and get adjusted before heading back into the clearing.

The two little terrors were already waiting and when I got close enough Misty pounced on me.

I evaded however and used a paw to gently knock her to the ground. She let out a little huff before trying again. This time she tried to use her small size to her advantage. She charged at me again, but when I went to knock her over again she ducked under my paw. She ran under me and turned quickly before pouncing again, this time she got me but I quickly shook her off. She fell onto her side but got up again. This time she didn't charge in, but startes to slowly circle.

Deciding to play into her little game I circle with her. I observe her as she patiently waits for the right moment to strike. Deciding to give her a chance I pretend to stumble. She doesn't miss the chance and quickly lunges in, going for my feet.

Atta girl. Since she's so small compared to me or another wolf, she can't hope to fully take uso out. However if she manages to damage the legs and paws, they'll have a little trouble moving, giving her a chance to run away and hopefully find me.

She tries to lightly nibble at my feet but I knock her aside and growl a bit. If she hopes to beat me then she needs to do actual damage. She looks at me and whines a bit but I just shake my head and huff at her. She gets the message and gets up, starting to again circle. I start circling too and decide to give her a little help when a twig snaps in the forest behind me. My head whips around and I see Geralt emerging out of the underbrush with a cunning look in his eyes.

Realizing it was a distraction I turn to look back but it's too late. I feel something bump into me at full power and not expecting it I stumble a bit. She doesn't stop there though as she digs her claws into my shoulder and bites into the thick fur at the back on my neck right above my spine. Her small, sharp teeth manage to break flesh as small drops of warm blood pool and make my fur sticky.

I growl and shake her off. She flies off but manages to land on her feet as she bares her little teeth at me, covered in blood, and lets out a little low growl.

I flaten my ears and growl back, however she doesn't flinch and flattens her floppy ears back aswell. After another second or two I stop growling and stand up, Misty stops aswell and looks at me for praise.

I walk over to her give her a lick on top of her head, nuzzling her muzzle with my own. Misty gives a happy bark before turning and bounding over to Geralt, who was just watching from the tree line.

The little shit. Distracting me like that.....oh well, in a fight there are no rules. Plus, it was pretty good teamwork, I'll give them that.

I got distracted however as Geralt came up and rubbed against my legs. Purring to get his turn next. I also give him a lick on the head before motioning for them to follow as I walked into the under brush.

We went about 5 yards before the smell of prey brushed by my nose. I stopped dead and looked to my side to see that the other two stopped aswell. I saw Geralt look at me curious and I raised my snout into the air before letting out a huff. He in turn litfed his nose and inhaled. I saw it when he caught the scent, because his eyes dilated with excitement.

I look forward again before crouching down and stalking forward. The critter came into view and I saw that it was a very large, and fat squirrel. Perfect.

I slow my breathing and even it out. Making my footsteps as light as a feather, keeping my eyes trained on my target. I hear a twig snap behind me and the squirrel looks this way. I crouch lower and keep my breathing slow and quiet. However I begin to hear panting behind me and the squirrel must have her it to because it quickly darts up the tree and into safety.

My ear flicks back in irritation as I stand up and look behind me. Geralt is now sitting straight up and glaring at Misty who is still panting. She stops though as she sees me watching her. I growl and give her a nip behind her ear. She whines and nuzzles her snout into the earth, flattening her ears.

I shake my head and walk off into another direction, not bothering to see if they were following. Thankfully we didn't need to go that far before finding another one. This one was bigger than the other and I immediately went into hunting mode.

This time I managed to catch it without much effort and I brought it back to the other two who were still waiting. I dropped it infront of them and as a reward for doing good in sparring I let Misty dig in first. Geralt was about to aswell, but I gently stopped him. He looked at me and I motioned to the forest, telling him to try and catch his own.

He blinks before turning and lifting his head up into the air. He sniffed for a bit before heading into a different direction. He disappears and I let him do his own thing as I look back over to Misty. Her snout is half covered in blood as she looks up at me happily. I take the rest of the squirrel and start to eat aswell, making sure to leave enough so Geralt can have some if he doesn't manage to catch anything.

However my worries were for nothing when he stalked back into the clearing with his head held high. A small sparrow clenched between his jaws. He walks over and drops it infront of me before sitting down. I give him a small nibble behind his ear and he purrs appreciatively before finally digging into his food. Seeing that he'll eat well, I finish off the rest off the squirrel.

I just finished off the last of it when Aiden finally decides to butt in.

"I think that's enough for today, they've made a lot of progress. That should be enough, you can pick it up again tomorrow."

I growl but I know he's right. So seeing that Geralt has finished his catch I nudge both of them to their feet as I turn to head back to the clearing.

We make it back by the time the sun reaches it's peak and I walk back over to the pile of Aiden's discarded clothes. Giving control back to Aiden as I shift once again.

Aiden's Pov~

I put my clothes back on and walk over to Misty and Geralt who were waiting in the clearing. Misty was laying in the grass and flowers, her eyes drooping from exhaustion. I smile and gently pick her up as she cuddles further into my arms. I look over at Geralt and whisper, "Let's go home now."

He blinks in agreement and we slowly make our way back to the fence. I pick up their leashes and we make our way back across the street and back to the house. I unlock it and we manage to get back inside.

Misty is still asleep and I place her in her kennel, which has a bed and blanket in it, before closing the door but not locking it. Geralt walked over and jumped onto his cat tower and curled up, falling asleep aswell. I smiled softly and gave both of them pets and scratches before getting up and walking back to the door.

"Frost, let's go on our own little outing."

"Sure, but why?"

"I don't know, I just feel like getting into some trouble." I say with a small smirk before heading out the door.

Word Count: 2300

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