Chapter 11: "Victory Celebration"

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Ike shouted joyfully and toasted with a can of juice. That evening, the former association of failures had convened once again. Liberated from our studies, we were all overjoyed that no one had been expelled. Everyone smiled... Well, except for Horikita...and Ayanokouji...and me. We'd shared our burdens, and together, we'd overcome the challenge.

"What's with the long face, Ayanokouji? Sudou wasn't expelled. Everything's fine now, right?" Ike asked.

"I don't particularly mind that you're holding a celebration party, but why are you holding it in my room?"

"Mine's a mess. So are Sudou's and Yamauchi's. And we can't go toa girl's room, right? I mean, yeah, I would've loved going to Kushida-chan's room. But your spectacularly plain and empty room is the best option."

"It's only been two months since school started. I think it'd be weird to have a lot of stuff." Aside from daily necessities, I didn't really need anything.

"What do you think, Kushida-chan?" 

"I think it's fine here. It's simple, but it feels nice and clean."

"Right? Man, it must be nice to have Kushida-chan praise you. Ha ha!" Ike playfully pushed Ayanokouji.

"All things considered, though, that midterm was dangerous. If we hadn't put the study group together, I would've been fine, but Ike and Sudou would have definitely gotten kicked out." Yamauchi stated.

"Huh? You were close to getting expelled, too, you know."

"No, no, I could have gotten a perfect score if I were serious about it. Really."

"Everything was thanks to Horikita-san's efforts. She tutored Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou." Kushida claimed.

Horikita sat outside the circle, quietly reading a novel. When we said her name, she bookmarked her page and looked up.

"I did it for my own sake. If someone had been expelled, Class D's evaluation would've worsened."

"Just say that you didn't want us to get expelled, even if it's a lie. We'd like you better." Sudou said.

"It'd be fine with me if you didn't."

"Well, I guess,'re a surprisingly good person, Horikita," replied Sudou.

Since Horikita had apologized to Sudou, he'd completely stopped antagonizing her. Before, he'd said she was a bad person. But people could change, well not all.

"Anyway, why did Chabashira-sensei change her mind about expelling Sudou-kun?"

"I wondered about that, too. What kind of sorcery did you use, Horikita-chan?"

"Hmm, I don't really remember." 

"Whoa, it's a secret?!" 

Ike tumbled over in an exaggerated fashion. The dude's funny.

"Even though we managed to make it through the midterm, we shouldn't lose our heads. Our next challenge is the final exam. We should expect those questions to be even more difficult than the ones today. In addition, we still need to find a way to increase our points."

"Do we really need to start this hellish cramming all over again? This sucks." Still on the floor, Ike buried his head in his hands.

"Don't you think that if we start right now, it won't be hellish?"

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now