The concept of life is as vague as the aftermath itself.

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I'VE never thought that I would die.

Of course, I knew I would die someday. After all, the longer you live, the more you realize how cruel this world can be.

That's exactly why most children go along with their childhood as pure and free as they can be.

Yes... to be free. To be able to do things without worrying about anything else. think I would die from a murder in the streets of Tokyo? I wouldn't think that would happen.

Such hypocrisy from me.

Crimes happen every minute, and Japan is no exception. But stabbing me in the chest? Especially in public, that would be a quite idiotic idea to do.

But... I would say one thing. Besides what happens after death.

Do you... do you live up to the expectations placed on you? How people would expect you to behave. How would people expect you to be? If people expect you to be a certain way, and you were to do a complete 180 from that. Would people think of you as the same way?

A person thinks you're retarded. Why? Because you act that way. Naturally people would expect you to be that way.

But if you were to change and act smart... what would happen?

People likely wouldn't want to trust you.

People might not like you.

People might be open-minded.

Humans... we're not too good with we're surprised. When something goes off the rails, it wouldn't be great. We're amazing with pattern recognition and connecting the dots. Soon we would expect something to go a certain way. But when it doesn't? Well, what do you do? Panic? Solve the problem? But what if you don't know how to solve the problem?

Point is, we usually expect things to go a certain way. When it doesn't, people would usually not like that.

"Aw shucks! I thought she liked me! Turns out she didn't!"

...I dislike expectations.

Expectations confine you. You have to act a certain way. If you don't like how people expect you to be, oh well!

If you do not surpass or meet them, you're below their expectations.

You are below what they think you are supposed to be.

You meet their expectations, great! Slowly but surely, they'll eventually ramp it up. They'll expect you to keep improving. To 

I expected for him to wait and strike when my guard is down but... I guess my killer was just impatient and went in impulsively. I should've not expected that. I should've been open-minded. Anything can happen. But now...

Now I have more things to worry about. What would that be you have presumably asked?

I was reincarnated into the world of YouZitsu, or for more clarity.

Classroom of the Elite.

Thankfully I read the Light Novels, including up to the latest one. But unfortunately, I have not read Volume 1, 2 or 3 of Year 1. I don't even know too much of Year 2, I kind of forgot besides summaries of what happen.

This would mean I will have to go off the anime, which itself, isn't the greatest adaptation to Classroom of the Elite. But it would do.

As I'm walking through these halls, I was still in the state of shock... I'm in a fictional world.

Oh! I must've forgot. Allow me to explain how I exactly died, er well. More like the events before I died. To my non-existant viewer.

...I think I might have Main-Character syndrome. Gotta get that checked.

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now