Chapter 8.2

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WE gathered in the library one minute later than we'd agreed.

Everyone had their notebooks open, ready and waiting. The library was a popular study spot, it seemed. First through third years fought to move up in the rankings. I understood it with a glance.

"You're late," Horikita said. 

"Sorry, the crowds were tough."  Ayanokouji explained.

"You two didn't eat lunch together, did you?"

Ike turned to us, his eyes suspicious. Kushida and Ayanokouji had actually eaten together, but perhaps it was better to keep that information private. I was just there since I felt lonely.

"Yes, we did. We ate lunch together," Kushida said.

It would have been better if she'd said nothing. Sure enough, Ike and the others glared at Ayanokouji, their discontent plain to see. Ike looked at him as if Ayanokouji was his ancestral enemy. Horikita spoke without glancing up.

"Hurry," she said.


"Yes ma'am."

At Horikita's cold command, I sat down and took out my notebook.

"I thought I might need more help on this, but geography is actually pretty easy."

Geography really is easy; it's basically memorizing.

"Chemistry wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be, either."

Ike and Yamauchi sounded pleased.

"Most of the problems boil down to memorization, right? You can't solve many problems in English or mathematics if you don't understand the foundation, though."

"Don't let your guard down. | think there might be current events questions on the test, too."


"Events of the recent past related to politics or the economy. That means that the questions may not be limited by what's written in the textbook."

"Ugh, isn't that against the rules? That means we have no idea what's going to be on the test, doesn't it?!"

"So that's why you should study everything."

"I suddenly hate geography..."

"Shouldn't we hurry it up?" Ayanokouji asked. 

"Yes. We've been wasting time because some two idiots were late."

"Hey, what did we do? Why are you harping us for tha-"

"Here's a question for everyone. Who came up with inductive reasoning?" Horikita asked.

"Um. It was that guy we learned about in class before, right? That was..." Ike wracked his brain and spun his mechanical pencil.

"Oh, that's it. That one guy. His name made me super hungry." 

"Francisco Xavier! Or something like that, right?" Sudou asked. 

You were close yet far at the same time.

"I remember! Francis Bacon!" Ike cried.

"That's correct."

"Yes! I'm definitely going to get a perfect score!"

"No, not really..."

The pace of the study group was going decently for now. As long there was no distractions...

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now