Chapter 9.1

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"IT seems like there are no absences today. Everyone is present." 

Chabashira-sensei strode through the classroom with a bold smile on her face. 

"That's the first hurdle for you leftovers. Are there any questions?"

"We've studied diligently these past few weeks. I don't think that anyone will fail."

I'm unsure of that Hirata. I think even I will fail. I was kidding but Sudou was going to fail. I'm debating on whether or not I should take a part of saving him. I have the points necessary, yet I feel as if that's too much work. I'll leave him in Horikita's and Ayanokouji's hands. 

"Oh my. You sound quite confident, Hirata."

Everyone wore a confident look, well except me and Ayanokouji. The teacher promptly took up the test papers and passed them out. Our first period test was for social studies. 

Out of everything we'd studied, it was probably the easiest subject. I mean, it's mostly just recalling information. 

It has mostly objective questions with some subjective ones thrown into it. If anything, I'm confident in History and social studies.

"If anyone stumbles here, the other tests will be an uphill battle, quite frankly. You'll take this midterm and the final exam in July. If no one fails either test, you'll be rewarded with a vacation during your summer break."

"A vacation?"

"That's right. A dream vacation on an island surrounded by the brilliant blue sea."

"Wh-what is this strange pressure..." one of the boys muttered.

Chabashira-sensei stepped back from the obvious tension the students exuded... mostly the boys.

"Everyone. Let's do our best!"

"Yeah!" Ike howled along with our classmates. I didn't even try to shout, it's like I can't physically raise my voice to the level of other students. 

"Pervert." Horikita glanced at Ayanokouji while I was internally laughing at him.

Before long, everyone had their test papers. On the teacher's signal, everyone began. I held off on starting for a moment and looked around at the others. 

With everything they'd learned, could the Idiot Trio avoid failing?

...No, not really.

When I checked the test papers, it was as expected. The same questions. Thankfully I memorized all of them.

I started on social studies, it would a bit of a hassle if I didn't memorize them, but I think I did quite well.  

The second and third period exams were for Japanese and chemistry, respectively. chemistry I did fine but Japanese... 

It was fine, I guess.

Then came fourth period. Mathematics. All of the abnormally difficult questions that had been featured on the mock test also appeared here, but the content was the same as the old exams. 

Mathematics didn't even require me to really remember. Of course, there were some that I surely forgot back then but I memorized them.  

Even if Sudou and the other guys couldn't understand the problems, they could still apply the answers if they'd memorized them.

After that, break came. I wanted to go get something to drink but I figured I can wait a bit longer. Some members of our study group, including Ike, Yamauchi, Kushida, Horikita, Ayanokouji, and myself, gathered together.

"An easy victory! We've got this test on lock!"

"I feel like I might get 120 points." Ike sounded pretty sure of himself, that is if extra credit was allowed.

It wasn't.

Yamauchi must have also felt the same, judging from the smile on his face. Confident, they looked over the old test papers for a final review.

"Sudou-kun, how about you?" Kushida spoke to Sudou, who sat alone at his desk and stared fixedly at the old test material. However, Sudou looked sullen."


"Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm kind of busy."

He didn't look up from the questions as he spoke. He was reviewing the English test material, his forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"Sudou, did you...not study the old test material, by chance?"

"Everything but English. I fell asleep partway through." Sudou sounded irritated. In other words, this was his first time reviewing the material.


That also meant that Sudou only had ten minutes to review.

"Damn, I can't get any of these answers to stick in my head," he muttered.

Unlike the other tests, the English problems weren't easy to memorize. Trying to cram all of the answers in just ten minutes would be impossible.

"Sudou-kun, memorize the problems that are worth a lot of points and those with the shortest answers." Horikita leapt up from her seat and moved next to Sudou.

"O-okay." He stopped focusing on the low-point questions and instead zeroed in on what would net him the most points.

"Are you going to be okay?" While trying to avoid getting in the way, Kushida appeared anxious.

"Unlike Japanese, I don't know the basics of English. These letters look like some kind of magic spell or something. Memorizing it'll take time."

"Yeah... I struggle with English, too..."

"Horikita, can I try to teach Sudou quickly? I'm proficient in English. That is, if Sudou agrees." I asked.

"It's no use, I don't think I can cramp up that much information in such little time."

The break passed in the blink of an eye, and the heartless class bell rang.

"I did all I could. I'll try to answer the questions I remember first, before I forget them."


"Sounds like a good plan, Sudou." I remarked.

And thus began our English test. While the other students calmly made their way through, Sudou clearly had trouble. Occasionally, he'd stop writing and whack his pen against his head. 

However, no one could help him now. It was too late. The only thing I see is him failing. 


Hey! Author-san here! I'm finally back to writing this fanfic after my laptop was fixed.  I apologize for the long wait.

Also, for my new schedule, I'll make one chapter for my other fanfic and then one chapter for this fanfic. This is so people who are reading either fanfic don't wait too long.

Well, that's all I have to say! Have an amazing day or night, reader(s)!

Word Count: 1022 Words

Classroom of the Elite: Crimson Usurper (Volume 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin