Chapter 7.7

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WHAT a day. What a day indeed.

I was back in my dorm, watching a cooking show on the television. Mind you, I wasn't the greatest at cooking, so I wanted to see what's there to cook. Just as I was about to make some food, I got a text message.

SatouLovesSugar's has the group. 

Satou was a particularly high-spirited girl in our class. Although I feel pity for her being rejected by Ayanokouji, she really only loved him because of his athletic abilities. None the less, later on she actually loves him. Heck, she even allowed Kei to go out with him. I decided not to engage and just read the groupchat.

SatouLovesSugar: [Hiya! Ike-kun invited me to join when we were talking earlier.]

SatouLovesSugar: [I heard 'bout what happened today. Horikita is really frustrating, huh? 🤣]

Ike-sama: [I was really pissed at her. Sudou was super mad. He almost lost it. I think he would 've hit her!]

Sudoken: [If I see her tomorrow, I might hit her. I was really annoyed with her today]

SatouLovesSugar: [😭😭😭, it'll be a big problem if you hit her loool. That would be overkill!]

Ike-sama: [Hey, I have an idea. Starting tomorrow, how about we completely ignore her?]

SatouLovesSugar: [🤐, weeell, I've always ignored her lmao]

Ike-sama: [I kind of want to hit her with some payback. Bully her a little and make her cry, you know? Do something like hide her shoes]

Soon after Satou joined the group chat, Horikita became the main topic of discussion. Bullying, what the living fuck was this?

SatouLovesSugar: [Hey, Ayanokouji-kun and Shinjiro-kun, you want in on bullying Horikita lol ]

I forgot; they can see that I've read their messages.

Ike-sama: [Nah, Ayanokouji-kun is all obsessed with her, so he probably can't]

Sudoken: [Hey, whose side are you on? Ours or Horikita's?]

I supposed everyone's irritation with Horikita was inevitable. If you treated others the way Horikita did, you'd inevitably be disliked. But hitting and bullying her would be going too far, and I couldn't understand how anyone might condone ignoring her or hiding her things. That was bullying and acting like that would leave little difference between them and Horikita. You would essentially be almost like Horikita. It's a rather stupid idea they would do. 

Ike-sama: [Hey, you're reading the chat, right? Hey! Ayanokouji-kun, Shinjiro-kun, whose side are you on?]

Ayanokouji: [I'm on no one's side. If you guys want to bully her, I won't stop you.] 

[I don't agree with bullying.]

SatouLovesSugar: [So, you guys are neutral. That's like, the craftiest answer lol.]

SatouLovesSugar: [But Shinjiro, why not? Doesn't she constantly harass you and annoy you?? Come on, go bully with us]

Satou's quite resemblant of girls from my school. Despite my liking of her character, I did not like this behavior from her.

[I don't like bullies and bullying wouldn't make the situation better. I do not like your behavior.]

Ike-sama: [So, you're sticking up for Horikita, huh 😂😂


If he said that to me in person, I would've drop kicked him.

Ayanokouji: [If Kushida heard about this, she'd probably hate you. Lol.]

[Ayanokouji used lol!?]

Ayanokouji: [Yeah, I did, what about it?]

[Nothing. Just that it's weird when you done laugh.]

Ayanokouji: [I'm going to sleep, don't stay up to late Shinjiro or you'll wake up like a vampire. Loooooooool.]

[Very funny. And shut up. With your statement and the lol.]

Ike-sama: [It is funny though. Like I'm crying tears]

[You're already a vampire, Ike. You look like one and you search for girls like a vampire searching for blood.]

Ike-sama: [Hey!]

SatouLovesSugar: [It's true tho lmaooo]

Sudoken: [Not gonna lie bro...]

Ike-sama: [Now you guys too!?

Ayanokouji: [I think Ike's a vampire.]

Ike-sama: [AAAAAA!]

I closed my phone and went to the window. I opened it up and the, chilly, refreshing breeze entered my dorm room. I heard the insects buzzing as I took in a good amount of air and exhaled it.

"Fresh air's good."

I still wonder, why was I sent here...

Why am I in Class D?

Why do I feel like I'm more advanced? Physically and mentally speaking.

To say it quite frankly, I don't feel like myself. As if I'm here watching this new 'life' through a screen, my own eyes... these aren't even my eyes.

...How come indeed.


Word Count: 688 Words

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