Chapter 8.3

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WE dismissed the group ten minutes before our lunch break was over. We packed up and headed toward the faculty room. 

"Chabashira-sensei, we have an urgent question."

"Quite the theatrical entrance. You surprised the other teachers," she said

"I sincerely apologize for the sudden intrusion."

"It's fine. We're in the middle of something, so please keep it brief." Chabashira-sensei continued to write in her notebook.

"Chabashira-sensei, last week when you told us what material the test would cover, did you make a mistake? A little earlier today, some Class C students told us that the test's material would be different than what we were expecting."

Chabashira-sensei listened in complete silence and didn't even bat an eyelash as Horikita spoke. Then, she put down her pen.

"That's right. The test's topics changed last Friday. Sorry, I must've forgotten to inform you."


She scribbled something down on a page in her notebook, tore it out, and handed it to Horikita. She'd written down textbook page numbers that referred to material we'd already covered in class. Most of the new material was from before we'd started the group, stuff that Sudou and the others hadn't learned.

"Thanks to you, Horikita-san, I was able to correct my mistake. I'm grateful to all of you. That's all. Thank you."

"Wait a minute, Sae-chan-sensei! Isn't it way too late for this?"

"I don't think so. You still have one week. If you use that study time wisely, it should be easy. Right?"

Chabashira-sensei tried to shoo us out of the faculty room without the slightest hesitation. However, none of us moved.

"Even if you stay, nothing will change. You understand that don't you?" she asked.

"Let's go."

"B-but, Horikita-chan! We can't just accept this!"

'"As Chabashira-sensei said, staying would be a waste of time. Instead, we should begin studying the revised test materials."


Horikita turned on her heel and left the faculty room, Sudou and the others reluctantly following after her. I, however, stayed.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Horikita asked me.

"No worries, I just need to talk in private to Chabashira-sensei."

"...Make it quick then. We're going back."


Horikita left with the others as she closed the door, although she squinted at me while doing so.

After she left, I began to talk with Chabashira.

"Chabashira, may you answer the question I'm about to ask you?"

"Oh? Not using honorifics now?"

"I don't usually use them."

"I see... may you make it brief? I did tell you we're busy, no?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

 I sighed as I said, "How come you and the rest of the teachers in this room are so calm?"

Chabashira stops writing and looks at me. 

"Why would you think that?"

"Normally, you, as a teacher would at the very least be concerned with the situation Class D is in right now. There's a possibility that students in our class may be expelled and on top of that, there's class battles. I'm assuming, wouldn't having less students negatively impact our class?" I asked.

I see Chabashira smirked a bit at the answer I gave.

"I can't say anything regarding that question."

"May I buy your answer using private points?"

The moment I said that the rest of the room stayed quiet. Hoshinomiya-sensei looks intrigued,  Mashima-sensei has his eyes a big opened, Sakagami-sensei doesn't even care.

"...That'll be 1 million private points."

"Absolutely absurd..."

I sighed as I ruffled with my hair a bit.

"The fact that it costs that many points, I'm assuming that my deduction is correct, no?"

"I can't say anything regarding that matter."

"In other words, I'm correct."

I sighed again before I continued talking again.

Why am I so obsessed with sighing?

"Considering the fact, you didn't fully explain the S System back in our first day, I'm assuming you not telling us about the test topics being switched on Friday was part of the school's instructions? Or perhaps..."

I pulled the front part of my hair back a bit.

"The topics of the test were already decided, and the school ordered the teachers to give false topics to the students?"

"Pft- Ha!"

Chabashira covered her mouth with her left hand.

"That's an interesting theory, Shinjiro. Unfortunately, I can't discuss that with you."

"Why not?"

"Why should I tell a student regarding matters between the teachers and the school? Not only that but even then, I won't answer."

"Hm, I see."

I was about to sigh before I tempted myself not to. Instead, I walked towards the door.

"I truly wonder about you Shinjiro. You've piqued my curiosity albeit less than Ayanokouji and Horikita."

"I feel shattered by your words, nonetheless, I'll be taking my leave."

I closed the door and went to the hallway.


Edit 12/25/22: Fixed grammar issues

Word Count: 819 Words

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now