Chapter 5.1

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FOR the third period, we had history class with Chabashira-sensei. When the bell rang, Chabashira-sensei walked into the noisy classroom. Her entrance didn't alter the students' behavior. 

"Quiet down a little, please. Today's lesson will be a bit serious."  

"What do you mean, Sae-chan-sensei?"

Having a pet name towards a teacher is honestly a crazy and scary thought... well I did that to my teacher before, but it didn't go good.

"It's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back."

I almost forgot. I made the decision to attend the Karate Club. I forgot to apply yesterday, the deadline's today but it still means I can apply. The deadline just means "This is your last day to register." so I'm fine.

She handed out the papers to the students in the front row. Eventually, the single-sheet test reached my desk. It contained questions in the five main subjects. With only a few questions per subject, it really was short, so I wasn't really nervous.  I can pass this... 

"Huh? I wasn't listening, though. This is so unfair!" a student cried.

If you weren't listening, that's your own fault. It's your problem, not the school's problem nor the teacher's as well. 

"Don't say that. This test is just for future reference. It won't be reflected in your report cards. There is no risk involved, so don't worry. Of course, cheating is prohibited."

Yeah, thanks for the future reference. I wouldn't score a zero since it wouldn't be reflected on report cards, but that itself is weird.

Once the pop quiz started, I checked the questions to see the difficulty, and the questions were godlike easy. If I had to estimate the time I would finish this quiz, it would be under 20 minutes, that is until I saw the end. At first, it was easy. English passed with ease; Japanese was fine, other subjects was fine until... math.

"What in the name of beautiful women is this?" I whispered to myself.

The last questions were a huge spike in difficulty, and the last question, as stated in the Light Novel, required you to use a complex formula.

"Interesting..." I once again whispered to myself.

I genuinely had a mental fall with some of these questions due to how long they can be, so I had a somewhat hard time. The only one that was really frustrating was the last question.

'I guess I'll test something with this, literally.'

Chabashira-sensei monitored us. As she slowly patrolled the classroom, she kept a watchful eye to dissuade us from cheating. I, for most the of the time, was staring intensely at my test paper, as I let the flow of my hand come with my pencil.


Word Count: 391 Words

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now