Chapter 6.2

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CLASS had ended for the day. Hirata stood at the podium, using the blackboard to prepare for our big discussion. Because of Hirata's powerful charisma, almost everyone in our class had shown, with the exception of a few like Horikita and Sudou. When I looked around, I noticed that they'd already left the room. I also see Ayanokouji wanting to leave before the discussion starts, that is until...


Yamauchi suddenly appeared from under my desk, his expression deathlike.

"Whoa! Wh-what? What's wrong?"

"Hey, buy this from me for 20,000 points. I can't buy anything!" he cried.

Yamauchi placed the game console he'd purchased the other day on Ayanokouji's desk. How many game consoles did he buy? 

"But if you sell that to me, who am I supposed to play with?" Ayanokouji asked.

"How the heck should I know? Come on, it's good, right? It's special, so it's a good deal."

"I'll buy it from you for 1,000 points." 

"Ayanokouji! Come on, you're my only hope!" 

Ayanokouji looked away and Yamauchi, already sensing that it's hopeless, move to another target.

"Professor! Your best buddy has a favor to ask! Buy this game system for 22,000 points!"

"Thank god it wasn't me who he asked."

"You should feel lucky."

"I sure am."

"Things must be really tough for the people who used up their points," remarked Kushida as she observed Yamauchi.

"So, essentially more than half of the class, yup." I commented.

"What about you, Kushida? Do you have enough points? Girls have a lot of necessities, after all."

Useless ones for that matter. Who cares about make-up? That's like hiding your own face, what you have low confidence or something? Shopping for clothes almost every week? As long as I have the clothes that fit me, I'm fine until they don't fit me.

"I'm okay. For now, anyway. I've used up about half of my points. I kind of lost control the first month and overspent, so it'll be a little difficult to hold myself back. What about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Are you okay?"

"It's got to be hard not to spend money when you're so popular. I've barely used any of my points, to be honest. I haven't really needed to buy anything."

"Yeah same, I didn't spend more than half of my points."

"Because you guys don't have friends other than yourselves?" she asked.


"Come on now..."

"Ah, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to offend," Kushida apologized with a giggle. That's not something to laugh at...

"Hey, Kushida-san, do you have a minute?" Karuizawa asked. 

A lot of people want those points huh.

"What's up, Karuizawa-san?"

"Honestly, I've spent way too many points, and I'm seriously running low. Some of the other girls in class have lent me a few points, but I was wondering if you could help me out, too. We're friends, right? I only need, like, 2,000 points from you."

"Ah, so she's starting off low. Of course, 2,000 points don't seem much, so most people would agree since it seems like a low number of points. 

"Okay, sure."

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن