Chapter 1.2

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CHABASHIRA walks into the class and stands in front of the podium, indicating she's about to speak.

"Ahem, good morning new students. My name is Chabashira Sae and I'm in charge of Class D this year. I teach Japanese history. This school doesn't rearrange classes every year, so over the next 3 years, I hope to get to know all of you. Best regards. Although the Entrance Ceremony will be one hour from the gym, I will now distribute the list of special rules this school and matriculation guide." Dude, there's another one?

From the front, the handouts were passed. Ayanokouji passes one to me as I nod to him as a form of gratitude.

I already know most of the rules, but might as well reread them to "refresh" my memory, right?

"I will now hand out student ID cards. With this card, you can buy anything from any of the shops and facilities around campus. It works like a credit card. However, be careful of how many points you use. There's nothing you can't buy at school. If there's something on school grounds, it's purchasable."

People are in school grounds? Can I purchase them? Not that's probably slavery. It's a good thing that besides some people in this room caught on to that hint. Possibly me as well.

Wait, what do I mean by "possibly me?" I didn't even catch it on when I first watched it. Stop over evaluating yourself.

I thought I could self-insert myself but unfortunately, Ayanokouji ruined that. Which is why he might be my enemy.

"Student cards can be used by swiping them on the machines. Using the machines are really easy, so you won't have any trouble with them. The points will be automatically credited on the first day of the month. Everyone should already have 100,000 points on their card. Also, 1 point is worth 1 yen. Any more explanation is unnecessary."

As expected, the class got loud. Not that I would blame them, if I was new, like directly reincarnated without knowing the series, I would probably question the school's motives, but still be surprised.

100,000 yen for a high school student? There's no way.

I still question to this day; how does the government be able to afford this? Giving this many yen to students? Imagine, hypothetically speaking, a class or even a grade, was able to get over 500,000 or 1 million yen per month estimate since points equal to yen. This is for 3 years by the way; can they even accept that? Or even 200,000 would be insane.  

Also considering the fact that they're giving away 100,000 to the first years, not the second and third years since they're not new. There are about 40 students per class, right? 

Using basic math of multiplication, that would be 40 x 4 = 160 students in total in the first years. This means that they're giving away a whopping 16,000,000 yen per month.  Of course, there's expelled or dropped out students so this would fluctuate.

'...How is this possible?' I would've said. Well Japan is rich. There's likely a lot of investments and stockholders too.

"This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here, who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of money is a reflection of your skills. Use without holding back. After graduation, however, all the points will be taken back. Since it's impossible to change these points into cash, there's no point in saving up the points. How the points are used are up to you. Use it on things you like or need."

Outside of average things such as buying books or food, you could also buy it for your advantage. Such as, the already used example, paying to make your test scores go up.

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