Chapter 8.4

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WHEN lunchtime came, Ayanokouji jumped to my feet and headed toward the cafeteria with purposeful strides. 

"Where are you going?"

Kushida had noticed him rushing out of class and followed. She popped up before him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Might as well go with him, I already have a clue to what'll happen because of this dialog..."

I also jumped from my seat and walked towards Kushida and Ayanokouji.


Ayanokouji's Point of View

"It's true, I do have a lot of friends to eat lunch with, but you don't have anyone, Ayanokouji-kun. Even though you'd usually reach out to Horikita-san, you haven't talked to her today. The other day, didn't you say something was bothering you about what happened in the faculty room? What was it?"

"I can tell you if you promise that you won't tell anyone else." I said. 

"I'm good at keeping secrets."

"Hey, Ayanokouji! Oh, hey Kushida."

I heard Shinjiro calling out to us as we waved his hand at us.

"Sorry for interrupting, I'm assuming you two are going to lunch?"

Does he have enhanced hearing, or does he have amazing intuition?

"Mhm! Ayanokouji-kun, may he join too?" Kushida asked.


This might change some things...hmm.

"Are you worried about the number of points I have? Don't worry, I have enough points to buy some food! Let's see...I have about 50,000 points left..."

Oh. Maybe it could...

"Sure, you can come with us. But you have to keep a secret."

"A secret? Hm. I'm good at keeping secrets. Is it that you two are dating?"

This man. I have the urge to chop him on the head, but I restrain it.

"No, we're not dating. It's something related to the Midterms."

"Oh. The Midterms? Count me in then."

Kushida, Shinjiro and I headed to the cafeteria together. We navigated our way through the crowd and finally reached the meal ticket machine. I bought tickets for three portions but didn't line up at the counter. Instead, I went to the side of the vending machine and looked at students perusing the menu.

"What is it?" Kushida tilted her head and looked puzzled when I began studying the machine.

"Yeah, what is this? A stealth game?" Shinjiro asked.

"This might answer what was bothering me."

"Hm?" Shinjiro sounded a bit intrigued, which was different from his usual monotone voice.

I continued observing students as they bought lunch sets from the ticket machine. After I'd observed about twenty students, my target appeared. He purchased his meal ticket and walked to the counter with heavy, plodding footsteps.

"Okay, let's go," I said.

"Hmm? Okay."


We quickly exchanged our tickets for our meals and sat down in front of the heavy-footed student.

"Um, excuse me. Are you an upperclassman?" Ayanokouji asked.

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 1: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now