Chapter 23

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I was in my bedroom and on a phone call with Rena.She was telling me how her courage surpassed the fear she had for school.

"You know I've just realised I will be be illetrate mum if I don't go to school,"She said.

"That you would,"I replied chuckling a bit.

"I'm so glad you came into your senses girl.You will not regret this idea, never," I reassured her for the thousandth time.

"Let's just hope so.I don't know why I have to go back to Hamilton high though.Can't I just enroll in some neighbouring school,"She complained.

"Rena come on you have to face this.You can't run away from your troubles,"I advised her.

"I guess you're right,"She huffed.

"Next week on Monday it is?"I asked her and she replied,"sure."

I cut the call and laid on my bed facing the ceiling.She had to do it.I wasn't destroying her was I?

"Super will be ready in twenty bitches!"I heard auntie yell from downstairs.

Just as I was about to take my homework out, I heard a call.Ryder? What did Ryder want?

"Hey," a vulnerable voice quivered into the caller.Ryder? Vulnerable? Yeah right.

"Stop playing boy,"I told him before finally composing myself after he didn't respond.

"Hey Ryder.How are you?"I asked knowing damn well he was not okay.

"I'm f-fine,"He stumbled upon his own words.His voice was groggy.It sounded like he had just woken up.Who the hell sleeps at eight.

I could tell he didn't want to talk much.Maybe hearing my voice relaxed him.Yeah that's how much I love my voice.

"What happened, you know you can talk to me,"I urged but I got complete silence in reply.

"I-I I just can't Lightning,"From the tone of his voice I knew he was trying hard not to cry.My heart beat wildly against my chest cavity as my eyebrows furried.

"You can't what, talk to me sweetheart what is it,"I asked in a calm voice.

"She she tried to harm herself in the worst way possible this time,"He let out a strained breath.Who the hell tried to harm herself.His mother?

Just before I was about to ask him, the line went dead.My heart was filled with worry and I didn't know what to do.He was not okay.Conditions at his home were probably critical.His mum and dad must have been rushing back and forth to save the situation.And I ,as much as he calls me my friend , was chilling doing nothing.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost, your skin is pale honey,"Auntie asked immediately I joined them at the table.

"A ghost?" Senselessly, I chuckled nervously repeating what she had said.

"Yea a freaking ghost now come with me young lady.Parents, continue eating your diner,"Ava rose from her chair and dragged me outside of the room.

"What is the matter?!"She whisper yelled.I told her that Ryder was not alright.I didn't go into details of someone hurting herself in his house.

"He is in a critical condition, he called me and I was trying to ask him what the matter was the line went dead,"I told her.

"So what do you want Si?"She asked.

"I want to go to his house,"I stated.

"You sure you don't love this boy?"She asked.

"Now is not the time,"I tugged my hair annoyed.

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