Chapter 2

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10 years ago

My neighbour must have called the cops since in no time they had shown up.The pistol did not have a silencer.I gained energy to stand up my hands still shaking from the shock and my eyes white as snow.

Just before they entered in the room I started shedding tears.Crocodile tears they were.The police would have otherwise arrested me for shooting daddy right?I heard a bang on the door and immediately let them in.

They were two and all seemed very intimidating but immediately their eyes landed on me they softened.I continued crying profusely.My eyes itched from all the tears."Honey are you okay?" The female cops bent down to my level."Of course she's not Anne," the male cops replied.

"She shot herself and my my my f--father,"I said in between my sobs blaming the dead person in front of me ."My mother she ended hers and my dad's life,"I cried harder and harder till my whole body was shaking.

Evidence was lying two metres away from me.My mother was holding the Silver pistol against her temple.Her eyes wide and blank with blood splattered across her big forehead.My father laid with shock on his face and a perfect cylindrical hole patched on his forehead.Just like she said she could not live without her husband but she would let me live without her?

"Honey we need you to come with us,"The officer tugged at my hand."Mommmm why did you do this?Why did you kill daddy now I have lost both of you,"I resisted from her touch.There was no way I could be guilty of murder at a young age of eight.I did not want to look at the officer's in the eye for I knew my sinful acts.

All I remember was the officer helping me in wearing my pants and the black colour that followed afterwards.

"She's awake,"I heard a voice.
"She is?"a different voice echoed.I opened my eyes to find myself in a white room but saw a familiar face afterwards,the female officer.My legs were still at sore from yesterday.Panic immediately rose from me.Did they know I was touched yesterday?No they must have suspected the blood was from the murder right?Right I reassured myself.

"Sierra,"my attention was drawn towards the voice and I turned my head."We have addressed your legal guardians and you will be moving to your uncle's place,"the officer told me.I knew he would referred to my uncle's place.Any where other than that house of death.I slowly nodded my head.

Staying in uncle's Thomas's place was better than I had imagined.Uncle Tommy was my father's younger brother.He was bubbly and sweet.He treated me as if I was his only daughter .I shared with him everything apart from the murdering incidence and Daddy touching me inappropriately.Sometimes I wondered if he was my father because  of the words that daddy said.The words that caused him to violate me.But for me daddy will always be my father he just made a mistake.He loved me right?

Burying my parents gave me emotional trauma.Words could not describe the sadness and guilt I felt.Letting go was so hard and for sure I knew daddy's spirit would disturb me for as long as I lived in this world.Changing school was not hard for me.I  managed to make new friends  like Kathy and Mandy.

One day Uncle Tommy got really ill.He did not tell me details of his illness but he just told me he will be fine.He gave me reassurance.He made me sit down and explained that he could not take care of me anymore and wanted my consent so that she could hand me over to Aunt Rita,my mother's sister.That was after Staying with him for seven years.

Have you ever wondered why you are never at peace with yourself?Why you are always haunted with the spirits from your pasts?Why your heart is always beating twice as first?Well that is me now I failed to pay for my mistakes ten years ago now they are haunting me like no ones business.
I wrote a statement that my mother killed my father.I blamed a dead person.Even if I wanted to say sorry,I could not since walls of distance have been built between my mother and I.In short life will never be the same.

The valium I was taking though made me feel safe from all my past demons.It made me feel calm it slowed down my heart beat to any other normal pace.It stopped my fingers from trembling like someone who can't live without alcohol.Most of all the anti anxiety drugs made me feel normal.Like any other senior.

"Sierra!"my cousin,Ava,snapped me out from my thoughts.Ava was my eighteen year old cousin.She was a 5'6 blonde with straight hair and green eyes and a petite body.She was really much of a nerd and at the same time over confident.

I could say being taken by Aunt Rita was somehow relieving.I mean at least I could spend some girl time with them compared to when I was at Uncle Tommy's house.Aunt Rita was the kindest human on earth and Ava here was quite an interesting soul.Her dad was as well better than my the one I lived with ten years ago.Ava's family was quite able and by able I mean rich.

I don't believe in happy endings but here in Hamilton High I only hoped to find the best beginning.I hoped to make the most out of my senior year and achieve my dreams of becoming an engineer.I hoped the valium worked at its best to give me the ample environment to fulfill my dreams.

The hostility of this world had made me shield my wounded heart with titanium.My heart was untouchable that was the only thing that was alive in me.If I made any mistake of tampering with it it would completely shatter, I did not want that.

"Honey I'm not gonna repeat myself,"Ava complained but with a smile on her face as she pulled up in the parking of Hamilton High.She had worn baggy sweat pants and a big ass hoodie written 'Supreme'.Her extremely big glasses made her look nerdy but cute.

I on the other hand I had worn a body con black dress showing my curves and my long legs.It showed a little cleavage but not enough to make a man drool I let my black curly hair fall down my shoulders.My blue eyes outstood the smoky eye makeup I had done for myself earlier.Ava said I looked badass but this was the best shield I had for myself.With one glance one could not possibly tell I was shattered inside.

"Come on,let me show you your new home for this year," we got out of the car.

The year that I did not know would change my life forever.

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