Chapter 8

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"So this cute boy approached me.He said I looked good and asked me out,"Ava squealed excitedly.I had just returned from school and met her preparing some food for herself.

She was in a very short skater skirt,the fishnet she wore exposed her toned thighs and of course she had worn boots which made her slightly taller.Her showed off her boobs.She looked really good.If only Auntie and Uncle knew who she was.

"You have no idea.Adam looked so fly,so fucking fly,"she stopped talking about the guy that asked her out.Adam Levine had been her celebrity crush for as long as I remember.

"Guess who I talked to today,"I started as I sat on the kitchen island.
"Who that Brody guy?"she scoffed.
"No Blanco Fucking Romano,"I screamed acting the way she did when talking about this handsome dude who hit up.

"Shut up!"She squealed opening her eyes revealing those big grey eyes.Yes she was not wearing spectacles.She only wore them to have a fake nerdy look.

"Oh I saw did and he looked so fly,"I mimicked her wiping an invisible drip of sweat on my face.

"Spilllllll,told you senior year would be the funnest,"she hugged me excitedly.
I told her that I had some little anxiety attack excluding the fact that I overdosed and passed out.

"So he gave me some little valium for my anxiety which was in his car,"I finished.She looked at me with the most dreamy expression which made me laugh.

"You know what I don't regret going to the concert but why do good things happen when I'm absent,"she pouted serving herself with lasagna that looked somehow burnt.Did I mention she is a very bad cook but hates being told that?No I didn't.

"Rita and her husband are not coming home till next week on Monday,"Ava's eyes mischievously twinkled."I don't think it was a business,they seemed to have gone for some enjoyment," she added mischievously making me cringe.

That was really nice.The fact that they were not around meant we could through a big ass party to symbolise the beginning of the year.Oh yeah baby.

"Party during the weekend baby,"Ava spoke my thoughts.

"You read my mind,"I gave her a high five.Ah this little moments made me forget my troubles for a bit.

"Order pizza for super babe," I told her as I went upstairs.The last thing I wanted to do was cook.Not that I didn't know how to cook,it just seemed like a very heavy task for me.


I felt very cold unfamiliar hands cover my eyes.On touching them they seemed pretty muscular.I did not know any male around.Romano,I remembered when we met yesterday must be him.

I turned around to see a grinning Romano.I smiled at him.

"Someone finds me so irresistible and can't stay away from me,"I reached for his hair to mess it up knowing it will annoy him.It was lunch hour after a very long chain of Physics and Chemistry let's not forget History.

Ava had worn some short dress and had removed her glasses.She had earlier said something about her mum not being around so she could do anything she wanted.

"What did I tell you about my hair.Do you know how expensive my gel was?"He groaned loudly.
"What five dollars?"I sarcastically said shutting my locker.

"Talking of dollars you owe me lunch,"He said.
"Yeah sure if you are gonna pay for it,"I scoffed.

"Whatever a win is a win!"He fist bumped me as we headed for the cafeteria."You can come sit with me and the boys," Romani tugged at my hand.

"I have to sit with Savannah and Ava over there,"I pointed at them at the corner of the room.

"It's okay you can come with them,"Romano smiled.Wow he is really nice.Better than I had judged him earlier.I gestured for my friends to join us as Romano and I sat at the so called 'popular table'.

In terms of social status,students knew me as the chic who kneed Brody.It was really embarrassing to be known for violence more than a heroine who saved Vanny.

My eyes wandered around the table to see Ava and Vanny beside Romano.
Ryder was glaring daggers at Romano.It was crystal clear he hated people.Nova was patched on his lap giving me a mean stare.They both didn't want us to join them.Oh.

West was glaring at me because of yesterday's incident.I guess his crotch was still hurting.Kyle was busy existing.

"Guys I'm Sierra and this is Savannah my friend,"I gestured to Savannah assuming they knew the notorious Ava.

"The pastors daughter,really Romano?"Nova said in the rudest possible tone rolling her eyes.This caused some balancing tears on Ava's eyes as she covered it by looking down.I forgot to mention she is a total emotional sweetheart.

"Excuse me?"Ava stood up gaining everyone's attention in the room.
"You cannot just shame people because of their fucking background.Nova Carpenter is it?" She cocked a brow revealing a cocktail smile.

"Your name gives me many thoughts.I don't know if I should say them.Should I say what you have been hiding in that pretty little thing of yours?" She pointed to her short skirt that had ridden up causing Nova to shake her head a worried expression written all over her now red face but she quickly replaced it.A second ago she was clearly humiliated.Remind me to ask Ava what she hides in her skirts.

"Right.Now sit down and eating the fuck out of your boyfriend's lips!" She smiled mischievously.For the first time,I saw Ryder crack a smile before he quickly changed it to a blank expression.

"Damn that was fantastic Ava!Sierra should totally take some lessons from you,"West gave me an annoyed expression and continued to eat his food.

"I would say thankyou but I already know,"she smirked as I high fived her sticking my middle finger to West.

"Could you guys please practice this PDA somewhere outside this table,"Kyle groaned trying to eat his lunch.

"Maybe if you find someone to lay with you wouldn't be that pissy!"Ryder argued his hand permanently rested on Nova's silent ass.

"That was a burn mahn,"I laughed at Kyle.

"I don't care,"said Ryder,as if I was talking to him.Just as I was about to drop a statement against Ryder,intruded my cousin or rather my sister.

"Guys party at mine this weekend,Nova you are invited but just please live our friend alone,"Savannah pointed at Ava who had been quiet the whole time.Poor girl.

"Sure,"Nova was scared to answer in a rude tone I wonder what was in that phone  that humbled down immediately.

"Yooo party at my house during the weekend come with dicks and chics and drinks!" She shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.She received chants like the wild child she was.

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