Chapter 5

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Today had been so perfect.I could not underestimate the effect of the valium.It was perrrrfect.I smiled my way to the bed.

My room was mostly grey but decorated here and there with some white.My bed stood at the centre and some of my photos were hung on the wall.Yup it was pretty boring.

Just as I put off my lamp thought started creeping into my mind.Not even though but memories.Memories that I put into mind I would forget whether I liked it or not.

As vivid as water I saw my mother's face shooting herself.I remembered that day like it was yesterday.My tiny feet were covered by a warm scarlet fluid.

My father's body sprawled across the room with shock written all over his face.I remembered when I pulled the trigger just because he assaulted me.
Why did I do it?Why the fuck did I do it?
Why did I kill him?Why did I kill my dad?

If I hadn't killed him,my mother would probably still be alive.I would be happy in New York.I caused myself this sadness,no one else was the cause.

I tossed and turned on my bed tears sprawling mercilessly.The tears will never be enough to express the pain
I felt.My hands trembled with great frequency.They were already clammy with sweat that had formed with in no time.

The dizziness I felt followed the chattering of teeth forming a rhythm.My hands found the nearest thing to assault which was my hair.I tugged on it with vigour not caring whether it would pull out.

I had curled myself into the tiniest ball at the corner of my bed."I'm sorry parents,I'm sorry parents,"I kept on repeating the words like mantra.

I banged on the edge of the bed lightly.Again again again and again.I took one step to my dressing cupboard and took some Valium knowing it would help me relax and at least get sleep for tomorrow.

'10-30mg adult' it said.I took 50mg for a better and immediate effect.I looked at my phone for the time and saw a bold 2:00am .Shit it was late.

I let the Valium take over me as I had the most wonderful sleep.

"Sieeeerrrrraaaa,"Auntie screamed from downstairs.This gave me immediate energy.

'Valium gave you immediate energy' mocked my subconscious.

"Coming,"I yelled back.I brushed my teeth,took a warm shower and wore a transparent sports bra and on top I threw a big baggy hoodie.I wore some comfy leggings and there I was ready for the day after of course combing my curly hair.

"Damn someone looks pissy today,"I said to Ava who was still in her night gown.

"Yeah apparently she has a flu so she's not going to school,"Auntie said worriedly but the shallow mischievous look Ava had made me not believe her.

"Ab godda biss you,school is godda be so borig without be,"She said while reaching over to hug me good bye.
"Tell me everything and I mean everything that will happen in school  today.I faked flu since I need to go and see Adam Levine I heard he is coming to town today!"She rambled realising me.

"Sorry babe,"I giggled aimlessly.Ah valium.

I ate my breakfast hurriedly and headed out.

"Hey Sierra how are you feeling,"Auntie asked me.

"Never been better baby!" I exclaimed  revealing a toothy smile and a giggle.

"Drive any of those babies just don't touch your uncle's Audi he really likes it,"the petite young brunette waved me off.

Deciding to go with Ford Mustang.I race and swerve other cars on my way to school.Driving at the above average speed limit makes me feel alive,and I do just that.

The revving of the baby's engine must have made all the attention shift to my car.I smirked as I was paved way by the students till I reached my parking spot.

The quad I see had taken a new spot on the parking lot.They did not even bother to gawk at my car they obviously had seen better and owned better.Taking the key I locked it after stepping my foot outside.

Oh shit.Fucking Brody wants to start the day with me.

"You know at first I thought you were really hot,now I think you are kinky which makes it all sexier.How about we finish the PDA we started earlier yesterday,"He licked his lips in an attempt to look seductive but instantly failed.He had approached me with his whole jock squad.They all were grinning waiting for my response.Weird ass people.Couldn't they just be cool like the quad?

"Honey look I was going to fix your face with my fists by giving you a nasty look but seems you have one already,"I walked away ignoring the 'ooos' and Brody's expression full of hurt.

"Sierra that was freaking amazing," Vanny appeared from my side hugging me.

"I know right someone should teach this idiot a lesson!" I laughed heartily.

"Where is she,"instantly I knew she was referring to Ava.

"Adams Levine's concert.She faked illness,"I scoffed."Omyyygood are you fucking Adam Levine's brother is that why yall share a surname?" I opened my eyes wide as if realisation finally struck me.

"No girl I wish,don't take it as an offence but why are you this loud today,"she laughed.

"Well maybe because yesterday I was mad at that Brody jerk,"my lame excuse came out.This was me.Totally me.The me I am supposed to be.

"History you have got to be fucking with me right now!"I slammed my locker shut.Students gave me a nasty look as I returned them with a middle finger.

"Chill out I have history too,"Vanny said looking at her period.

"Bingo!"energetically I said linking my arm to Vanny."You are so hot bro,"I said smirking at my choice of words.God I was just so happy.

Despite me knowing Sierra for only a day,I could swear something was up with her.She was extra cheerful,dancy and loud.I mean sure that is okay but something not right.

"You are so hot bro,"she said smirking at her choice of words.

"Thankyou babe,you havent seen yourself though,"I bumped my side to hers.

Sierra was going to be my hero for as long as she lives.She literally had no idea how much Brody had been bugging me.Brody had made me lose my self esteem completely.By calling me names and the one that hurt most is saying that I had a body of a ten year old.

It is through though that I had not big tits or a big butt but did he have to point it out?Living a senior year without the jerk disturbing me was going to be nothing but a walk over.

"Homo Sapien sapien-"The History teacher did not finish his statement before my bestie and I drifted over to wonderland.

"I feel hungry,"I groaned as the bell for lunch sounded.We were dropping of our books before we went to the cafeteria.Damn these students are so gluttonous the bell has sounded like two minutes ago and the hallways were already empty.

"What is this place," Sierra looked around like it was some freaking wonderland.What was wrong with this girl?

"Give me that," I snatched her books to put them in my locker.She knew the pass code already.That was I noticed her finger tips,they were blue and pale.So pale considering her tan complexion.

Her skin was clammy with sweat and she was busy rambling some incoherent words.She looked as if she was trying so hard to breath.She was clearly struggling.Her electric blue orbs moved side to side never focusing and just when I was about to react she fell into my arms.

The shock I had could not keep me standing I knelt holding her slim blacked out figure in my hands as I yelled,"Help meee!".It was more of a cry as tears streamed down my face in a river like manner.

A figure passed by.I thought he would ignore but Blanco Romano came to my bestfriend's rescue.

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