Chapter 9

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"You are so fucking slow Ava.We are just spending a fucking day there,"I banged Ava's door.She was spending a whole damn year getting ready to pay Vanny a visit.

Yes Vanny thought it was right to invite
us for a sleep over on a Friday night.Who were we to say no.My bag had all my necessities including three containers valium anti-anxiety just to make me feel safe.

After I popped two pills I ran downstairs to start the engine of a normal saloon car.

"I hope you have carried my tong,"Ava confirmed with me.

"We are going for a sleep over Ava not a fucking camp site,"I rolled my eyes.

"Damn girl you are always PMSing can't you just not be kinky for a day,"she threw her pink shades deciding to take a different car.I sighed at her attitude.

"Ava baby,you know I love you,right?" truthful to my words,I reassured her stepping the gas pedal,my corolla.

"Game on loser,"She shouted in her own car across  me and I rolled my eyes at her attempt of asking for a race.Challenge accepted baby,I thought as swerved other cars like a maniac.

The road was magically clear and she was right beside me.My side eyes saw her lips tilted up slightly.Why does everybody have to smirk nowadays.

She sure only thought about her success and forgot the route to Vanny's despite the fact that she had the address.We had passed the corner by a mile.

I stepped on the clutch and shifted to gear one,reducing my speed.She went on happy and grinning.

"It's this way idiot!"I shouted at her deciding to play fair.I reversed in the fastest way possible,made a one point turn and pressed the gas pedal.The sound of the engine made me relax as I hooted in front of Vanny's gate.Yes I won.I motherfucking won.

I looked behind to see Ava's Ferrari X8 with bright headlights which were clearly lit to taunt me.I sticked my tongue out like a little kid.

"On your face sucker,"I sticked my middle finger as the gates were suddenly opened revealing a beautiful home.I roared my engine alive exploring this new place.

Their house was not so big.Just a little home which looked like it would accommodate a family of four.It had a cute manicured garden in front of it.

Suddenly,Vanny revealed herself wearing a yellow flaring dress that reached her toes.Her blonde hair was held on one side and her glasses were slightly below her nose.The evening setting sun made her look like a vintage goddess.

"Vannah!"Ava and I hugged.
"It's Vanny but okay,"I snapped jokingly at Ava.
"Goodness gracious don't start please,"Vannah said rolling her eyes referring to our argument.
Ava gave me a winning smile letting me know that I've been shut down by Vanny.

"Come on inside,"she welcomed us politely.

"Wait wait wait,"she told is and we stopped at our tracks.

"I-I m-my parents are really strict so please don't use any curse words and try to act decent,"she sighed.Vanny gazed at our outfits which looked like it would make a horrible first impression.

We stepped into the house only to meet two ordained people who had worn white from head to the toe.
Holly fire crackles was I in heaven?The house was white and when I say white I mean the one that resembles snow.

"Mom and dad,these are the friends I have been talking about.Sierra here saved me from that bully,Brody and Ava here helps me in Chemistry," Vanny nervously said scratching her hair.

Her parents gazed upon us judgement filling their eyes.Her father sneered visibly and her mother scoffed while we stood their like useless kids.

"May the grace,"Her father said.

"Finish up,"Vanny muttered to us with wide eyes.I tapped Ava who shot me a glance clearly meaning she did not know.I had not been a strong Christian but at least I know God exists.

"Jesus Christ,"I said looking at Pastor Alex with confidence.It was something close to The Grace right?

"I don't like them,keep them for the sleepover and cut them off hence forth,"Mrs Levine remarked with authority dripping in her voice.

"Okay mother,"Vanny muttered.
"This way my friends,"she added and her parents excused us.

"I freaking hate my parents,don't mind them.I am sorry for what they have put you through,"She huffed dramatically and dropped onto her bed immediately we reached her room.

"I have plenty of pizzas that I just ordered so you won't have to see them,"I sighed in relieve.

"Your parents sure are something but we can't blame them,they are only trying to make the world better so that we can all be saved when Jesus comes,"Ava said.

"No they are not,they are judging instead of correcting,"Vanny rolled her eyes.

"Can you believe they said I should never date till I'm thirty,"Vanny covered her face with her pillow.

"It's not like you like anyone or you do,"I wiggled my eye brows.

Her cheeks immediately turned bright pink.Vanny liked someone?
"Oh girl reveal!"Ava was already tackling her.

"I don't like him.I think he is just cute,"Vanny rolled her eyes her cheeks turning a deeper shade.

"Who is it Vanny?"I asked smiling toothyly.

"Romano okay Blanco Romano,he is so hot,but he could never like someone like me.Infact Nova spoiled it all today when she revealed I was a pastor daughter,"pouted Vanny.

"Oh come on,do you think Romano cares about that?Besides you are really cute and hot.During tomorrow's party he will see a side of you and probably brick up,"I smirked thinking about a make over we can do to her.

"About the party,I don't think my parents cannot accept,"Vanny pouted.

"Oh honey,that's not upto them to decide,"my cousin smirked.Why does she have to copy me.

"I have not copied you,smirking was invented at old times,long before your smooth ass was born,"she replied meaning I had said that loud.Oops.

"You do realise we were born at the same time, right?"I raised a brow.

"I can't believe we are actually related,"Ava huffed.

"The feeling is mutual babes,"I winked.

"Okay,"Vanny clapped her hands gaining our attention.
"We are watching Divergent because Four aka Tobias Eaton is the hottest man on earth!"She turned on her TV.

"Savannah Maria Lively that is no way to describe a man at this tender age of yours!"We heard her mother's voice at the door.

She had been listening to out conversation?Of course she had,I rolled my eyes.

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