Chapter 16 - Forced to Stay

Comenzar desde el principio

I told my mom where I was going, and she just smiled and told me to be safe. I hopped into my car, and the entire way there I was shaking. I ran a few lights and was honked at too many times to be considered safe. 

Lia was already there when I arrived at Evergreen Cafe, sitting at a two-person table applying a light layer of lip gloss. When she spotted me, she smiled and waved me over. I took a few quick breaths and assured myself I could do this.

I walked over to the table and sat down on the opposite side of her.

I cleared my throat. "Hi"

"Why did you text me so early this morning to meet here? Did you miss me?" Lia asks quickly, batting her eyelashes.

I attempt to ignore her comment, and I strain myself trying not to roll my eyes. Hopefully, this will all be over soon.

"Have you ordered anything?" I asked, picking up the menu and scanning the page for their breakfast options. I figured this interaction would either take five minutes or five hours. I couldn't tell how Lia would take my news.

"Yeah, I ordered a latte, do you want anything?" She asked, resting her head against her hand.

I felt my stomach flop.

"Um, no. But thanks, Lia." I said nervously. Food was definitely not going to help my nausea.

Lia twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, and I fidgeted with my hands under the table. Neither of us knew what to say. I thought for a few seconds, and gathered my thoughts, preparing to say something.

"Lia, I... um..." this was going to be hard to get out.

I cleared my throat.

"Let's say that I um... broke up with you. How would you react?"

She stared at me for a few seconds but then reacted in the strangest possible way. She started giggling.

"Jake, what would you expect me to do? I'd obviously be mad. I'd probably try to ruin your life" she paused and took a sip from her latte. "I'd probably tell everyone about your whole singing thing and maybe...about your dad. Why do you ask?"

My lungs felt like they were collapsing, and everything went blurry for a second. What was I expecting? Lia would obviously act petty if we broke up. She would make sure that if she couldn't have me, no one could. 

"Why?" I asked weakly. "I mean, I get that you'd want revenge, but I've always treated you well. I've always put you before me. You know that."

Lia stood up from her seat, and grabbed her latte, stepping next to me. She bent down and whispered into my ear.

"Let me make one thing clear Jake. You're not even going to consider breaking up with me until the end of high school." She grabbed my shoulder and leaned even closer. I could feel her breath against my ear.

 "You will not ruin my fucking reputation just because you decide to be a loser. You won't ruin my life, because trust me, I can make yours a living hell."

I shivered, and she backed away from me smiling. She must have seen the look of pure terror in my eyes because she giggled again and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure you'll change your mind. I'll see you at school." She said sweetly. She turned around and walked straight out of the cafe smiling to herself. 

As soon as she was out of sight, I bolted to the back door of the cafe and ran to my car. I unlocked it, and threw myself inside, slamming the door.

My chest felt unbelievably heavy, and I had trouble seeing straight. I sat there for almost a minute just trying to control my breathing. It felt like my life was falling apart. I was stuck with Lia, I had no choice.

I felt hot tears sting my eyes, and I wiped them away. I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the seat. What the hell was I supposed to do now? I couldn't wait until the end of senior year.

Just then, my phone dinged, and I grabbed it from the seat next to me.

Luke had posted on Instagram.

The photo only made me want to cry even harder.

He had his arm around Hailey, and they were both laughing. Zander was in the background rolling his eyes, and a young girl who looked about seven stood next to him smiling.

The caption wrote: Just hanging out with my new friends :)

Yeah sure, Luke. "Just friends." Hailey seems like a lot more to you than just a friend. Why her out of all people? You couldn't have liked anyone else? But no, it just had to be her.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. Why did I care if Luke liked Hailey? It shouldn't have mattered.


No. Hell no. 

I didn't like her... did I?

No, absolutely not. Not right now.

I slammed my head against the steering wheel. There was no way this was happening. How on earth could I like her? I'd only known her for three months. That wasn't enough time to fall for someone...was it?

I cried for a bit, overthinking everything. I was stuck with Lia, Luke liked Hailey, and somehow I had fallen for her.

The worst part was that I knew that it wasn't just because of Lia that I'd never have a chance with her. She probably didn't even consider me a friend. She would never take an interest in someone like me.

She had told me in chemistry class a few weeks ago that she wanted someone who was calm and put together. Someone who had good grades, and who was humble.

I'm far from calm or put together. My room is always a mess, I joke around way too much, I forget to do my homework half the time, and I'm constantly talking about the things I've accomplished. I'm not even close to what she'd want in a guy.

Luke on the other hand is. He fits her description perfectly, and I hate to admit it, but it makes me so damn jealous of him. Why does he have to be so perfect? Why can't I just be like him? Life would be so much easier.

He doesn't have a problem being honest, he always looks perfect. He's kind, forgiving, and doesn't have a crazy girlfriend who could potentially ruin his life.

Even if it's just small acts, no matter what, I'm going to have to start standing up for what I think is right.

Otherwise, I'll lose everything again, and this time, I won't be able to run away.

In My Shoes | The Music Freaks AU | A Jailey FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora