chapter sixty

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a/n: the big chapter sixty!!! i've planned for around ten or twelve more chapters including the epilogue!

those are the outfits i visioned them in for this chapter :)


**Ellie's pov**

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**Ellie's pov**

I wasn't going to lie to you and tell you that I was dreading Christmas this year. It being Christmas Eve left me no chance of being able to try and avoid it.

You may be asking why?

For the last week I had been exhausted and this extremely nauseous feeling whenever I would stand by Derek for too long. We all had made jokes about it, but it was starting to worry me. I knew that there was a high chance that it was just some bug that Jack brought home from school, and it was just affecting me weird.

But never in my many years of living had I ever been sick enough to where it made me sensitive to smells. Ever.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I had just finished putting together all of the treat boxes that I was going to make all of the team take once they left today. Well once they left Rossi's place.

We were all being forced to go over to Rossi's house tonight for dinner and if we didn't come there was going to be hell to pay. So me being me I thought I could bake everybody some little treats and had Jack help me yesterday to frost the sugar cookies.

Sadly, when Aaron's and the witches divorce was final they had decided on her getting Christmas Eve and him getting Christmas day.

"Love! I need your opinion on a tie!" I heard Aaron yell from our bedroom.

A slight giggle comes out of my mouth before I come out of the kitchen and walk towards our room, "Aaron is anybody else going to be wearing a tie?" I questioned him while leaning on the wall when I finally found him.

He dramatically turned around and looked at me with an annoyed look, "I always wear a tie Ellie, that's my thing." Aaron said to me while flinging around the two ties in his hands.

Glancing around the closet I noticed something that was shoved back behind all of his other black suit jackets. Ignoring the look he gave me when I just walked away and started to pull out the clothing item.

Right before I could say anything about it his voice erupted behind me, "I don't think you want me to wear that.".

Turning my head to look at him with a questioning look, he sighed even harder than before, "I wore it to the wedding." he mumbled without even looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders with a furrowed brow, "So. I don't care?" I started with a confused tone, "If you don't want it that's fine, I was just suggesting something different than your usual suit and tie combo." I told him with a smile.

Looking at the ties in his hands, I pointed at the blue one with little white sunbursts on them, "I like that one." I noted before walking into the family room so that I could finally slip on my shoes.

There had been multiple times since the start of me and Aaron's relationship that this type of situation has happened. It mostly always ended the same way, me telling him that Haley would always be a part of our lives.

My heart swelled whenever he was being cautious of things in his past revolving around her, but he didn't need to.

If he wanted to still be with her he would've found a way to do so. Or simply just would not have even entertained the thought of me and him.

Quickly slipping on my last shoe, I stood up, only to be met with Aaron leaning onto the doorway into our room just looking at me. After a few seconds of him not saying anything I shrugged my arms out a little bit, "What are you doing?".

His small grin quickly turned into a grin before he crossed the room and pulled my hands into his chest. Bringing each up to meet his lips, he placed a short peck to each of them, slightly lingering on the ring that I had barely taken off since I had gotten it.

My hands now resting on his chests I contently grinned up at him, "I love you, but we better get going if we don't want Rossi to beat us with his pasta spoon." I muttered up towards him with a slight chuckle.

" I muttered up towards him with a slight chuckle

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**time skip**

We had been at Rossi's for a couple of hours just hanging out and laughing at how drunk Emily and Penelope were.

I hadn't been drinking because I had already been feeling a bit sick and I didn't want to make it worse, something that I was able to pass off with the rest of the group when Rossi brought out the alcohol.

Well everyone except for JJ who had pulled me away from everyone when we moved out to the heated sunroom.

"There's something going on isn't there?" was the first thing that she questioned me.

My eyes widened at her directness, "I don't-" she cut me off.

She shook her head and placed her hands on each of my upper arms, "I know this. You're pregnant aren't you?" she whispered.

There it was. The thought that would not leave my head for the rest of the night. Even after I quickly rambled out million no's and absolutely not's, she didn't believe me.

Something about a glow?

a/n: a little bit of a shorter chapter but i didn't want to keep adding stuff to it when it didn't need it

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a/n: a little bit of a shorter chapter but i didn't want to keep adding stuff to it when it didn't need it.

big cliffhanger i know! i'm sorry! it has to happen :)



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