chapter forty five

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a/n: i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :)

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**Ellie's pov**

It had been around three weeks since I had gotten discharged from the hospital and about a week from when I had my first physical therapy appointment.

In fact, that's what I was doing right now. Getting helped back into my chair, from the other side of the room I could see my trainer grab something and then walk back over towards me, "So, I wanted you to have this. It was something that my trainer gave me when I was in the exact same position that you are in right now." she spoke.

Taking a hold of what she was giving me, I smiled, it was a beautiful antique butterfly brooch. With the enamel surface, and the small gems lining the body of the butterfly itself.

Looking back at my trainer I shook my head, "I can't take this Blake, it's so old I wouldn't want to break it." I spoke out loud before running my finger over the smooth surface.

Blake wrapped her hand around mine with a small smile, "I want you to have it. So you are going to take it with you or I will clip it on to your backpack myself." she let out a slight chuckle, "Now, who's picking you up today?" my trainer asked me while raising an eyebrow.

A grin on my lips I motioned behind her to the blonde extremely colorful lady making her way throughout the rather dull environment compared to her wardrobe.

"Miss Garcia! It's always a pleasure to see how much color you bring into this place!" Blake said to my friend. Penelope just smiled and pulled her into a strong hug, before walking behind my chair and placing her hands on the handles.

Taking a slight breath I looked back at the clock on the wall to see what time it was, eleven o'clock in the afternoon, "Well we better get going, right P?" I questioned.

"Yes, yes of course!" Penelope started to walk beside me as I started to push myself towards the door that led out to the parking lot. A few seconds of silence rarely ever passed between me and her so I immediately knew that something was running rampant around her brain.

Giving myself a big push, using the last of my good energy, I rolled in front of her and squinted my eyes, "What are you not telling me?" I spoke out with a very suspicious tone.

Watching the woman in front of me try to look around and try to find something to change the subject to, I pointed my finger towards her, "You can't lie to me! I know what you do when you start lying, don't even try to deny it P!" my voice rang out through the parking lot.

Penelope finally gave in with a slight drop of her shoulders, "Okay, okay, fine. It's just been weeks since you have been in the lair and I miss you. So like what if you just come back with me and hang out", she let out a small breath, "Only if you feel up to it!" she questioned.

Go back to the BAU? I haven't stepped foot in that building let alone that floor since I had gone home early and had the argument with Aaron.


What was he going to say when he saw me wheeling around the bullpen?

Sighing, I gestured towards my phone, "I feel like I should call Aaron before I decide on anything, I wouldn't want to cause another argument..." I mumbled while turning on my phone and finding his contact.

Before I pressed on his number, Penelope let out a chuckle, "Girl, that man would end the world if it was for you. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind seeing you at work for a little bit." my friend said to me with a smirk.

Lifting up my middle finger and pointing it at her while I placed my phone up to my ear I waited for the call to connect.

While the call continued to ring in my ear, Penelope made her way over to her car and started to make room for my wheelchair in her trunk. It was hilarious watching her trying to move boxes and boxes of random nick-nacks and just odd things in general.

But hearing a slight click of the phone call being connected I put all of my attention on to the call, "Hi Love, how are you doing?" I asked him with a small smile lacing my lips.

Hearing a catch of breath from the other end of the call I was confused, "Aaron?" I asked again, trying to make sure that he was okay.

Aaron chuckled for a second before he started speaking, "Nothing, just-uh didn't expect the new nickname, that's all. It's a paperwork day, so we're just waiting for a case while we work on paperwork." he once again let out a breath, "So how was physical therapy today?" the man questioned.

Deciding that I would just want to tell him in person I just smiled, "I'll just tell you when me and Penelope get to the bureau. Don't be upset, I'll just be hanging out with Penelope doing no work, I promise!" I hurried out towards the end.

Leaving him no choice in the matter, not that I think he would have disagreed with me coming to see everyone, I hung up the call and looked up towards Penelope. She let out a laugh and motioned for me to come closer towards the car so that we could leave.

A few seconds after we got in the car and started to drive out of the lot, Penelope smirked before reaching over and slapping my shoulder, "What the hell was that for!" I screeched.

"You have Hotch wrapped around your little Italian badass finger, it's so strange to see my boss and one of my best friends in a romantic relationship. He acts completely differently around you, even on a phone call, then he does around us. It's so adorable!" Penelope squealed.

Chuckling at my friend's reaction, leaning back in the seat, I sighed, "He's more than likely the best guy I have ever met in my entire life. Even if we don't last in a romantic way I hope that in the end we can continue to be in each other's lives." I smiled.

Looking out at the streets, I listened to Penelope go on and rant about everything that conjured up in her colorful mind.

It was nice to be out of Aaron's apartment and going to be spending time in a building besides my physical therapists. My life was calming down. Obviously things were still different and never going to be the same.

But I was full of content..

Things were better and that's all I could ask for.

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a/n: ellie is in psyichal therapy!!

thank you guys so much for 160k+ reads!!


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