chapter thirty six

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a/n: a chapter not uploaded at midnight!!! (well at least for me haha)

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**Ellie's pov**

As soon as I left Aaron's apartment I could feel the tears threatening to break. No matter how much I wanted to just break down and cry my eyes out until there were no more tears left, I couldn't.

Having taken an extra day off before my flight turned out to be a good idea on my part. Being able to watch my relationship that was just starting practically implode in front of my very eyes.

Hurrying out of the building and towards my car, I got in and leaned my forehead against the top of my steering wheel. I had already felt my phone buzz in my pocket while I was pretty much running towards my car. Figuring that it was Aaron I decided that it would be a bad idea for me to look at it.

Taking a few deep breaths to regain some miniscule strand of courage I turned the key in the ignition and started to drive back to my home.

My plan was to take the day off tomorrow to pack and just relax before I get on my small one hour flight back home. But now all I wanted to do was just lay in bed and sleep. To not think about anything... though I knew that the only thing that would be on my mind would be Aaron.

As soon as I pulled onto the curb outside of my home a dull ache started to develop in the back of my eyes. Wanting nothing more than to get out of the bright sunlight to try and ease the ache I grabbed my things and hurried out of my car door.

It was almost embarrassing how long I struggled to get the key for my door to actually go into the lock, but when it did I was inside of the four walls in seconds.

Dropping my bag and keys in the kitchen by the fridge I caught a glance of the time from the small iridescent clock on the microwave I sighed. It wasn't even five o'clock yet. I had gotten off work around two o'clock to go to a dentist appointment and then I immediately went to Aaron's place to wait for him.

Knowing that he had some paperwork that he needed to do and that he would be home a couple hours after I had gotten here was what led me to overthinking over what seemed pointless at the time... now seemed not so pointless after all.

Though it was only four-thirty I grabbed a new bottle of wine next to the oven and didn't even bother grabbing a glass as I knew that the entire bottle would be empty in an hour.

Dragging myself upstairs, and into my bedroom, and almost shuffling my feet against the carpet until my body reached a very big reclining chair that looked out of my second story window and out onto a giant field of nothingness.

Flopping onto the almost velvet cushion I closed my eyes for a second and took in a deep deep breath.

If what had happened almost thirty minutes ago didn't, then this right now would be bliss. Watching the sunset while drinking some good wine in my favorite chair.

Regardless... I leaned over to the side table and reached for the bottle opener.


I already told you that this was my favorite spot in my entire house, what did you expect from me?

Making quick work of the cork, I placed the rim in the opening of my mouth and felt instant relief as the burgundy colored liquid washed over my tastebuds.

This was going to be where I spent the rest of my night.

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**the next morning**

When I woke up this morning I had instantly regretted drowning my thoughts with that bottle of wine. Having a worse migraine than I did before I started drinking, and of course the acid reflux making its way up my throat.

But I needed to quickly pack my things.

It had been almost a year since I had actually visited and seen my parents with my own two eyes, so I had taken off two weeks to go and spend time with them. Working where I do, I had to plan this trip months in advance.

With that said, the team already knew that I was going to be a little hard to contact. So wanting to be no-contact with pretty much everyone was going to be pretty effortless.

Reaching into my closet I leaned down and grabbed my two suitcases, there was no way that I was going to be able to fit two weeks of clothes and other essentials inside of just one suitcase. Quickly slamming them down onto my mattress I started to put my already folded clothes inside.

Once my clothes and shoes were in, packed away until I got to my parents house to unpack them, I needed to go grab my makeup and hygiene products from the bathroom.

Throwing them anywhere they would fit, I zipped up the bags and set them down on the floor next to my bed, "All you need to do now Ellie is just get in the car and go to the airport. No waiting... no overthinking, just go." I muttered to myself.

So that's what I did.

Rolling my suitcases down the stairs and to my front door, I slid my shoes on and readjusted my jacket before grabbing my keys.

As I walked out of my front door I saw the bright yellow cab driving down the street I took a deep breath and locked my front door. Pulling my luggage behind me I made my way to the cab, but not before taking one last look down at my phone. Hoping. Hoping to see something.

But there was nothing.

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a/n: don't hate it me... i promise it will get better in a little bit...

also, how would you guys feel about a playlist for this book? if you like the idea maybe drop some songs that you think fit the book? 


i hope that you guys enjoyed!


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