chapter thirty-one

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a/n: i think you guys will love this chapter... especially the ending :) 

i think this is also the longest book i have ever posted to anything ever.

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**Ellie's pov**

It had been a few days since me and Aaron's relationship was revealed and the team had slowly started to calm down on the jokes and teasing.

Today was supposed to be a slow day, just finishing up paperwork, but in seconds the entire office was on edge. Dylan was getting transferred back to the BAU to continue questioning.

If I said that I wasn't even a smidgen nervous that would be an understatement.

However, I needed to get over my hesitations quickly. Since Dylan had initially been brought in, I had been constantly asking to just talk to him. I might be going a little crazy but I don't think that he would've done any harm to me. Especially now, there was no way for him to get out of the shackles and be able to do anything with the team on the other side of the glass.

Thinking back to the day that I had him arrested it was only days after SSA Sanders was officially convicted of all of his crimes. There was no way that he was going to be getting out alive... but there was always a way to get things done outside of prison.

Me and the team had been first hand witnesses of it time and time again.

Two nights ago I had been sleeping at Aaron's house, well I was trying to sleep. After a couple hours of constantly waking up followed by tossing and turning trying to somehow figure out a way to turn off my brain's constant thoughts. I decided that I would just do something to ease my mind.

So there I was sitting on the small living room sofa with my computer sitting on the coffee table looking up Dylan's personal record.

There was nothing there that didn't shock me.

With the way that I was told about what happened I expected him to go and become some violent offender and have a long criminal rap-sheet... but there was nothing. The only thing that I could find was a small speeding ticket and when he was just arrested.

He wasn't a bad person? At least not according to his record.

Anyways, when I heard the elevator doors slide open from the safety of my office I immediately tensed. Slowly standing up I made my way to the doorway and watched as the officers brought Dylan through the building and towards the interrogation room.

When a hand placed itself on my shoulder I jumped slightly, "Hey... it's just me." Penelope's voice filled my ears.

Sighing I glanced towards her, "I need to talk to him myself but I am so nervous P. The last time I interviewed someone was Sanders and we all know what happened with that." I muttered to my friend.

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