chapter seven

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a/n: a little bit short of a chapter so i am probably going to post another one soon. i didn't realize how short this chapter was while writing lmao :)

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**Ellie's pov**

Hearing distant voices I started to stir slightly in my chair. Feeling someone's hand on my shoulder my eyes shot open, "Woah! Ellie calm down... it's just me." a familiar voice told me.


The person who just disturbed my slumber.

Looking up I glared at her through my barely open eyes, "I am going to go sleep over on that couch over there for at least another hour. I fell asleep an hour ago..." I trailed off while wobbling slightly towards the small leather couch in the room.

She smiled at me before motioning for everyone in the room to be a little quieter than they were being. 

Morgan chuckled when he saw me flop down on the cold surface with a small smile, "Oh I found a new suspect by the way... all of their information is on the boards." I told them while waving my hand everywhere in that general direction.

Not even bothering to hear what they say I started to fall back to sleep.

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**time skip**

**third person pov**

The team was silently working on the case when Hotch walked in from talking to the sheriff outside. David looked up at the section chief with a small grin, "We have been told to stay quiet." he told Hotch.

The stern looking man tilted his head, before his gaze softened every so slightly.

David followed his sight even though he already knew who he was looking at. He smiled before going back to his case file trying to connect the victims from what Ellie had gathered.

The tall man walked slowly over towards the small couch in the back of the room trying to not disturb the small girl's sleep. Thinking for a few seconds he started to slide off his suit jacket. He quickly glanced around the room before finding her signature dark green, worn in jacket.

Folding up her jacket, he slightly tucked it under her head trying his best to not wake her, before proceeding to gently lay his suit jacket over her body to try and keep her warm.

The team stared in disbelief, well all except for Rossi, what was he doing?

Feeling the stares sitting on his back, the man turned around, "Why did no one notify me that Ellie was flying in? I would've told the jet to stay grounded and have her stay in Quantico." he said to everyone.

Emily raised her eyebrows and then gestured towards Rossi who was sitting there looking at his case file.

The old Italian man glanced up at the man in charge with a slight smile, "You knew that she was coming for the case and didn't tell me?" the section chief asked him. 

His shoulders went up and down before he sighed, "Aaron when I called her she was already on the plane what could I have done to get it to land. She wouldn't have listened to anything I would've told her anyway Aaron. You know that..." he trailed off as he looked wide eyed at the pieces of paper the sleeping girl had put into their files.

David glanced at the team before standing up, "She did it... We have the guy. She found him... we have to go now!" exclaiming while gaining the attention of the local police officers.

As Hotch walked out of the room he pulled over a young officer with a stern look, "You are going to watch that room like a hawk until we get back. No one is to enter that room unless that is you or one of us. Understand?" he questioned.

The young officer nodded his head and walked to the desk around the door.

Now that was taken care of, the team and the county's officers started to make their way out of the doors and towards the cars. 

Leaving the girl tucked under Hotch's suit jacket sleeping peacefully having no clue what was going on. 

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a/n: like i said it is a little short so i should be updating another chapter soon :)

i hope that you guys are liking it so far... also thank you guys for all of the reads. tbh i didn't expect this to even get fifty lmao.



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