chapter twenty four

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a/n: i hope you enjoy!!!

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**Ellie's pov**

When I heard a faint, "Come in", I took a deep breath and opened the door. Watching him realize that I was standing in his doorway made me smile slightly at the small grin appearing on his face.

Making my way towards him I took a deep breath, "I was told to come in here and brighten your day..." I trailed off while I slowly closed the door behind me.

He smiled at me before getting up out of his chair and making his way towards me, "Dave put you up to this didn't he?" slowly nodding my head with a slight chuckle. "He isn't wrong about you brightening my day... we haven't seen each other in a few days." he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you." Aaron murmured after he pulled me into a tighter hug.

God, this man was going to be the death of me.

Deciding that my urge to make a joke right now would help lighten up the situation, "Well you were the one who decided that it would be a good idea to make me have a month of time off..." I told him sarcastically.

His eyes turned down into an annoyed look before leaning closer and closer to my face, "You couldn't have changed my mind even if you tried. Now as much as I love that you are here in my office with me, I have to go work, which you are not going to do. All you are permitted to do is study and do your class work." he scolded me almost like he did with Jack

Scoffing I pulled away from and started walking backwards towards the door, "You just sounded like my dad... also I've already finished all of it. I'll graduate in like three months, Aaron I think I know how to do my own homework." I muttered with a small smirk before walking out of his office.

Hearing a small sigh from him when I walked out, I chuckled and started to walk back towards my office.

Not paying attention to the sound of the elevator opening until I heard my name being yelled.


Turning around at the familiar voice of the little Hotchner I let out a loud excited gasp, "Hiya my little g man!" he wrapped his little arms around my neck, as I bent down when I heard him call my name.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned trying to scan around the lobby to see if I recognized anyone.

But that's when I immediately regretted everything I had just done.

Haley Hotcher...Brooks... I don't know, was making her way towards me smiling at her son, "Hey Ellie, how are you?" she asked me even though I can tell that she didn't really want to ask me.

Taking a slight labored breath I shrugged my shoulders, "You know... just working on my classwork. What are you and Jackie boy doing here?" I asked her while slightly patting down the boys hair.

Haley's eyes gazed over my interactions with her son, "I-I'm sorry but when has Jack seen you enough to be that excited to see you?" she quickly rambled off the question.

I probably stared at her longer than I should've before clearing my throat, "Oh uhm, I went over to Aa- Hotch's house to help him with a case file and it was when he had Jack. So I guess we just got acquainted." I tried to explain how he knows me, well, while leaving out pretty much everything.

There was no way that I was going to tell her that I have been staying the night at her ex-husbands place and occasionally babysitting her child.

As I was analyzing her face I could tell that she didn't believe me but chose to not say anything. She glanced down towards her son before smiling at me again, "Well I got to go talk to Aaron, come on Jack let's go see Uncle Rossi." the mother said to her son while guiding him towards his father's office.

Right as she was into the bullpen and way from the doors I bolted off towards my office and slammed the doors shut.

Hearing a couple of gasps I noticed that Penelope and JJ were sitting on her side of the office and were scared when I suddenly came in and slammed the door shut, "What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." JJ trailed off with a light chuckle.

Penelope squinted her eyes at me before looking back towards the other blonde in the room, "J, do you know, does she know?" she questioned me.

The press liaison tilted her head before letting out a shocked gasp, "Are you and Hotch actually a thing! We all joke about it but I didn't think that he would actually allow that to happen!" she exclaimed.

Waving my hands around the air for her to be quiet, "Yes, yes, me and Aaron are whatever we are." I admitted to her before starting to pace around the office. "That doesn't really matter right now. I just had the most uncomfortable encounter of my entire life!" I rambled.

My two friends just continued to stare at me confused before I continued rambling, "Haley just walked out of the elevator with Jack and he was super excited to see me, so he ran towards me and gave me a really big hug. Which I loved." Penelope and JJ nodded their heads.

"But then Haley asked how me and Jack knew each other- I know right! Like what am I supposed to say?" I said when I watched my friends faces contort with a slight wince of realizing what just happened. "So I just sat there for a second looking completely stupid in front her, before I said that I went over to his house to help with a case!" finally finishing rambling before I plopped down in my chair.

JJ sighed and leaned onto Penelope's desk, "I think it is going to be okay... to be honest I don't think that she suspects anything. We all know Jack. She can't just think that something is going on because Jack knows who you are." she tried to calm me down.

While my friends were trying to calm me down I had no clue what was occurring in the other room.

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a/n: a little bit of drama starting here eh?

how are you guys feeling about the story so far? I would love some feedback :)



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